NuttyFluffers :hi: suggested I do a Major Archana reading after seeing this one... I did (finally) but it's certainly not as clear as I would like it to be. Please all, give me a hand with this one...
(I've included the full descriptions I use to analyze the cards, some comments are redundant, they were pulled from different sources.)
READING – Prediction – Major Archana
DATE – 8-18-05
SUBJECT – Rove/Plamegate – ref. to reading on 7-8-05
1) XIX The Sun - Material happiness, success, attainment. A good marriage. Happy reunions. Achievements in the arts, science and agriculture. Studies completed; liberation. Pleasure in the simple life. The sun Is the card of happiness, success and attainment. Obstacles fall away in the light of joy. This card also represents a happy marriage, a successful completion of studies, liberation, achievement and recognition.
2) XXI The World (R) - Success yet to be won; fear of change or travel, too great an attachment to one’s place of residence or job. Lack of vision. A goal is almost in grasp, but perhaps someone lacks the necessary courage to lift oneself out of a rut. You must take chances and make the necessary effort to obtain happiness, otherwise boredom and stagnation can result. Discard any fears of change or attachments to a present situation or job and follow true destiny to success. Action brings good fortune.
3) II The High Priestess (R) - Conceit, sensual enjoyment. Accepting surface knowledge. Sensual passion, reckless action or a casual affair is indicated. Recognize that the situation is not intended to last and that it is only a passing fancy or brief thrill.. Still, it could be an exciting diversion or a profitable short-term investment. Use your morals or business sense as a guide.
4) XVII The Star (R) - Pessimism, doubt, stubbornness, lack of perception. Chance of physical or mental illness. Guard yourself against pessimism and stubbornness in the face of unexpected hindrance or illness. Things are not as bad as they seem and the situation requires a positive outlook and a realistic approach to adversity. The true obstacle can sometimes be oneself.
5) X Wheel of Fortune (R) - Failure of an enterprise, setbacks. New conditions require courage. You will reap as you have sown. A setback or a streak of bad luck is indicated. Avoid taking foolish chances and learn from your mistakes. However cautious and wise efforts or investments will lead to steady progress and increase. Rely on your experience, not chance for success.
6) VIII Strength (R) - Domination of the material. Discord, lack of moral force, fear of the unknown in ourselves, abuse of power. A lack of force and the fear of the unknown are indicated here. Strengthen your resolve to rise above the discord. Guard against using your power to bully someone.
7) XI Justice - Justice will be done. Balance is required. Lawsuits will be won. The balanced personality demands elimination of excess baggage, wrong ideas, and useless forms of education. A mixture of the right ingredients is welcomed – as in science, chemistry, and cooking. May betoken the desire for education, with a well-balanced mind as its objective. She is a wise woman with a well balanced mind and a strong sense of right and wrong. Justice will be served. Wrongs will be righted; lawsuits won. Turn away from wrong ideas, bad habits and frivolous pursuits and follow your true course. Do the right thing.
8) XIV Temperance - Adaptation, tempering, coordination, self-control, modification. Working in harmony with others, good management. What we have imagined will come to pass. Successful combinations will be achieved. This is the card of harmony and good management. Success comes from approaching the goal with moderation and diplomacy. Balance is the key. This card also indicates a successful recovery from bad luck or an illness or a happy ending to a difficult situation.
9) XII The Hanged Man - In spiritual matters, wisdom, prophetic power. A pause in one’s life, suspended decisions. Self-surrender leads to the transformation of the personality. Material temptation is conquered. Larger forces than yourself control your destiny. Guard yourself against sacrifices and setbacks. The situation calls for the wisdom to know that things beyond our control must be endured. Try looking at things from another point of view.
10) VII The Chariot - Triumph, success, control over the forces of nature – thus triumph over ill health as well as money difficulties or enemies of any sort, including one’s won lover animal passions. This is a card of those who achieve greatness. It may also indicate travel in comfort. Mental and physical powers should lead to fulfillment. Indicates success and triumph over adversity. All enemies and any obstacles are conquered, including hindrances of one’s own making. This is the card of travel and progress, of new friends and new opportunities.
11) XIII Death (R) - Disaster, political upheaval, revolution, anarchy. Death of a political figure. Temporary stagnation. Tendency to inertia. Stagnation, inactivity or a withdrawal from the daily concerns of life. Use this rest from the normal pace to improve yourself to better meet more active times.
12) III The Empress - Material wealth, marriage, fertility for would-be parents, for farmer, or for people in creative arts. If its position is not in the best placement in relation to other cards, it sometimes indicates luxury or dissipation. She is the mother, representing fertility, creation, and birth. Now is the time for new ideas and initiative. Begin work on what you want, for what you need will be provided. Success and good fortune are indicated, as well as happy family relationship, a marriage or a birth, luxury, creativity and contentment.
13) XVIII The Moon - Intuition, imagination, deception. Unfolding of latent psychic powers. Unforeseen perils, secret foes. Bad luck for one you love. The card of hidden enemies and uneasiness warns you to be cautious and alert to possible deception. Danger, disappointment, perhaps even bad dreams or depression are caused by a hostile environment. Follow your good instincts and take steps to protect yourself from intrigue or error. In the face of change or calamity focus on the positive to ease your mind.
14) I The Magician - Will, mastery, organizational skills, creative talents. The ability to take the power from above and direct it through desire into manifestation. He is a man of willpower and competency. Use your will to seize opportunities and create your destiny. The tools are at hand to achieve your goal, and with practice and concentration success is guaranteed. Risks and investments bring great rewards. An exciting new venture or friendship may be in store, or if in the past, still continuing successfully. This card also indicates good health and recovery from any present illness.
15) IX The Hermit - Silent council, prudence, discretion. Receiving wisdom from above; instruction from an expert in your field. A meeting with one who will guide the seeker on the path to material or spiritual ends. Attainment of goals. A journey may be necessary in order to gain knowledge. He is a man of wisdom and caution. While prudence may sometimes create obstacles, it can keep you safe as you venture out into dangerous or unfamiliar territory. This card may indicate a spiritual journey or a time of quietness and reflection.