I'm really feeling down tonight. Sorry this is such a long story but there isn't any way to shorten it.
I just got accepted for this small business funding and training that I've been working really hard towards for the past few months. This was good news because it will pay the bills while I set up my business.
I'd mentioned before in this forum about my husband falling through the roof of his shed and cracking ribs etc. Well he doesn't have the sweetest disposition at the best of times and he's been an absolute bear since his accident. Cranky, whiney, rude and demanding. So we've been rubbing each other wrong lately because I don't take kindly to being treated inconsiderately.
Our littlest cat, a very timid male started peeing in wrong places around the house... mats, shoes etc. He did it for a week or so then it stopped. Then it started back up again. So I made a vet appointment but I was sure that it wasn't physical because he's young and playful. There has been a stray around that for some reason has worried him and I thought that he was feeling insecure and marking his territory.
Yesterday morning, we bundled up the little cat for his vet appt. Hubby picked up the carrier and I told him that I would take it. He asks why and I told him because he bangs into things and it scares the cats. He totally flipped out, roaring around and swearing at me and calling me names. I tried calming him down but he kept it up and all of a sudden I just boiled over and got so furious that I yelled at him that I hated him, slammed the door and took the cat to the vet myself. I've never said that to anyone and I totally meant it at that moment. Not that I hated him, but I hated how he was behaving.
It turns out that kitty has crystals in his urine and was nearly blocked. He had to spend the night in the hospital and has to go on a special diet for the rest of his life. Today hubby is still wound up and he's decided to leave because I told him I hated him. It doesn't bother him that he says awful things to me all the time however. He packed a bag and says he is going to sleep in his truck of all things. He's 57 years old, has a heart condition and is diabetic. I'm sure to get a call from the hospital in a day or 2 because he always mixes up his medications and insulin.
I was so upset yesterday that I missed the third part of a 3 section workshop on bookkeeping and now I have to do the entire 3 day course again. This particular class is so boring and I have to drive an hour each way to get there. Actually, after all my work now I don't know if I will even be able to finish the terms of my agreement. If we don't work this out I'll have to sell the house and move... I'm not going to stay around here so there will go my funding. I suppose I'll just continue on for awhile and see what happens.
Right now I just can't talk to friends or family about what happened, I don't even know what to say, the whole thing seems so bizarre. I don't know even if he sorts himself out if I want him coming home again. I think it has a lot to do with his diabetes, but its still way too hard to live with a miserable SOB regardless of what the cause is.
Oh yeah... and a rodent has moved into the wall and I can't find where its getting in but it starts scratching around at 2 AM. I'm going to have to call in an exterminator I guess so I can get some sleep. Oh... and my daughter is going through bad times with her husband too and is seriously thinking of leaving.
I just can't even figure out what is going on. I could really use some hugs though, and maybe some Reiki if any one feels like sending it... my neck is all stiff probably from stress.