I can't even comment on this one yet, I'm just so overwhelmed with the whole situation. :(
READING - Prediction DATE – 9-3-05 SUBJECT – Katrina effects next 6 months
1) Ten of Wands – Force and energy applied to selfish ends. Power unwisely used. Carrying a burden of ill-regulated power. Here is also a refining test by fire, the heart tried by pain. Problem soon to be solved. This card indicates one is oppressed by the burden of too much responsibility. Be sure that you are not using your power unwisely or to selfish ends. Take steps to lighten your burden and use your resources more wisely and the situation will resolve itself.
2) XIII Death (R) – Disaster, political upheaval, revolution, anarchy. Death of a political figure. Temporary stagnation. Tendency to inertia. Stagnation, inactivity or a withdrawal from the daily concerns of life. Use this rest from the normal pace to improve yourself to better meet more active times.
3) Nine of Swords (R) - Patience, unselfishness. Time brings healing. Tomorrow is another day. This card indicates a recovery from sorrow or illness. Although there has been suffering, it has been endured with patience and unselfishness. Now the healing has begun and better times are ahead.
4) Two of Swords (R) – Release, movement of affairs, sometimes in the wrong direction. Avoid impostors. Sympathy for those in trouble. Disloyalty. There is disloyalty and duplicity. Beware of impostors or a dormant situation that may begin to become worse. Have sympathy for those in trouble, but do not compromise or overextend yourself on another’s behalf.
5) XVII The Star (R) –Lack of perception. Chance of physical or mental illness. Guard yourself against pessimism and stubbornness in the face of unexpected hindrance or illness. Things are not as bad as they seem and the situation requires a positive outlook and a realistic approach to adversity. The true obstacle can sometimes be oneself.
6) Page of Pentacles (R) – Dissipation and excess. Too great pleasure in the material things of life. Wastefulness, luxury. News of the loss of money or worldly goods. This youth represents dissipation and excess.
7) Ten of Swords (R) – Overthrow of evil forces. Courage to rise again. In spiritual matters, looking to higher powers for help. There is some success and profit, but these are only temporary. There will be changes in fortune for good, followed by changes for the bad. The advantages gained will soon be lost.
8) Six of Cups (R) – Living too much in the past. Clinging to out-worn morals and manners. Worthless associates. Possibility of an inheritance or gift from the past. Disassociate yourself from worthless projects and associates and seek out new experiences and situations.
9) Queen of Swords –mourning for those you love who are far away. This card may mean widowhood, mourning, privation. Kindness but also firmness. Keen observation. Gracefulness. She is a severe and chaste widow, keen and subtle, kind but firm. This card warns of privation, absence and sadness.
10) X The Wheel of Fortune – Success, unexpected turn of good luck, change of fortune for the better, new conditions. Creative evolution within the laws of chance. Fate smiles and your luck changes for the better. Better conditions and better opportunities for gain arise through pure chance.
11) XII The Hanged Man (R) – Arrogance, preoccupation with the ego, resistance to spiritual influences. Absorption in physical matters. Wasted effort. False prophecy. Avoid selfishness and blindly following the thoughtless crowd with its self-serving opinions. Try to understand another’s feelings. Preoccupation with oneself can lead to wasted efforts.
12) VI The Lovers – Choice, temptation, attraction. The struggle between sacred and profane love. Harmony of the inner and outer aspects of life. Attraction, love and beauty. A union with someone is indicated, perhaps a choice needs to be made. Follow your heart, for the nature of the situation is emotional and involves acting on one’s true feelings, but try not to be swept off your feet by the happiness of the relationship.
13) I The Magician – Will, mastery, organizational skills, creative talents. The ability to take the power from above and direct it through desire into manifestation. He is a man of willpower and competency. Use your will to seize opportunities and create your destiny. The tools are at hand to achieve your goal, and with practice and concentration success is guaranteed. Risks and investments bring great rewards. An exciting new venture or friendship may be in store. This card also indicates good health and recovery from any present illness.
14) Four of Swords – Hermit’s repose. Rest after war. Banishment. Relaxation of anxiety, release from suffering. There will soon be a change for the better. Not a card of death. This card indicates the need for meditation. Take time out to give your mind a much-needed rest form the noise of everyday life. Replenish you inner strength and end your weariness by taking time to sort things out alone.
15) Eight of Swords – Narrow or restricted surroundings. Bondage. Imprisonment through indecision. Betrayal. Fear to move out of a situation. Temporary sickness. A crisis imposes restraints and limitations. Someone cannot see their way through a situation that may cause a loss of prestige or suffering. A decision now could mean freedom. Take care in all matters of health and business and avoid any binding agreements.
There's no force for social change than Mother Nature.