my post #22 there is a hint. I realized that as I faced it and my personal issues which are/were bubbling as per the current cleasing process, the sense of disaster and sorrow were diminishing. I've since state here that mere recognition and attention bring positive results to the cleansing process. And that I am sometimes still stuffing with sugar, regardless :hi: Jul-10-10 01:59 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. I have found that much of what I am feeling is personal stuff coming up.
I'm not sure about stuff out in the world. Lines are crossed...
"Much of what I am feeling is personal..." It continues to be. I'll suppose that I'm not alone in experiencing the deep downs coming up :rofl:
We are entering a time of great manifestation ability. Our overall wish will be our experience, which is why it is so important for everyone to be on the same page. In the meantime, those who have ability should continue working to clear the planet of problems; such work has true value and is certainly possible. My energetic sense finds this to be true. Prayer for good is now very powerful and will continue to be, increasingly so. As I've stated earlier, it is easier and easier to find and to stay in joy, so I'll reiterate that everyone should make an effort...and I again ask those who have skill, to help in directing light into the planet and its lifeforms, as well as to ease the transitional burdens we have created. Our ability to change things, increases.