Edited on Tue Aug-03-10 06:31 AM by OneGrassRoot
I'm hearing Rick's words in my head this morning, that I "need to find a new way of dealing with people."
When it comes to relationships -- business, romantic, family, friends -- I pretty much approach them all the same way. Except for my daughter, I essentially have a "three strikes and you're out" policy. I will try...I will bend over backwards...but when things don't change after I've done the best on my end (my intolerance is for doing the same thing repeatedly, or watching others do the same thing repeatedly, with no change; Einstein's definition of insanity), I have no problem whatsoever detaching and removing myself.
And, I can honestly say that, in the end, I do it with love (resenting or begrudging others just drains ME, I've learned). Love for myself, and love for them to continue on their path.
I'm in a business relationship now and am truly experiencing THE MOST DIFFICULT relationship ever; I don't understand this person whatsoever and it is very, very, very draining. Conflicts come out of the clear blue sky and it's gotten to the point that I don't even want to interact with this person at all, as I have found I walk on eggshells, choosing every single word so carefully in order to avoid conflict or misunderstanding; I usually fail miserably anyway, so I should just say what I want to say, the way I want to say it (actually, I may have just given myself a bit of advice right there, to remove some of the strain and drain; screw my walking on eggshells, don't allow that aspect of the draining to continue).
Another pet peeve with this individual is that I don't believe this person is being honest with themselves; every single time there is a conflict, it's always "my stuff" to be evaluated, never any responsibility taken by the other person. I've grown to see it for what it is and accept that this is just how this person is, and I released any need to be "right." I accepted that this person, in her own mind, is always right. ;) Of course, this is a spiritualist type of person, who -- in my opinion -- uses that to manipulate. Again, I see it for what it is.
Bottom line is that this relationship is like a marriage with children; a child's future is at stake, and I won't walk away from this child I've nurtured and love. I didn't have a problem (finally) leaving my ex, as I knew the child would stay with me. This is different, a business partnership. Unless my partner would agree to sell, and I could get the money to buy her out (I believe I could...I believe a miracle could come about that way)...well, I don't see an answer.
And then I return to Rick's words: I need to find a new way of dealing with people.
How can I stay in what I feel is a broken working relationship (we're in different galaxies let alone on different planets, when I don't have faith that this relationship will ever get easier) which DRAINS me tremendously?
What is the other way of dealing with people who drain -- other than walking away from them -- that I am missing?
Other than what I wrote above I'm rather clueless about how to BE in this one particular relationship, and I do feel there is something for me to learn here. It's been going on for nearly three years now but I'm hitting my wall. And, I know me: Once I hit my wall, there is no turning back. I'm done.
Thanks. :hi:
Edit because I was trying to keep it gender neutral, but I failed with that as well. :rofl: It's a woman...in case that matters in any hits you may receive.