Our collective intentions re: the Gulf of Mexico have been invaluable in getting us to the point where we are now. It is impossible for me to evaluate the truthfulness of the recent report stating that up to 75% of the oil has disappeared (dispersed, evaporated, or who knows what). Twenty five percent that is left is still a huge amount, and it could be bigger. Even so, a few weeks ago we were all doubtful that we would be this far along in the recovery process.
Now that the oil is not spewing anymore, our focused thoughts and intentions on the waters of the Gulf are more important that ever. Please take some time each day to send light and healing to the waters. One easy way to do this is to play some of the many YouTube videos put up for healing the Gulf. This is not at all a complete list. Find your favorite, and play it, or say your own prayer. Yes, the remaining oil will "disappear" faster if we collectively send our intentions.
Here are some of them:
The one I put up using symbolic radionics to infuse Emoto water crystal images into the water--
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlJjxtGWu-I Someone put up Dr. Emoto's prayer and this has a cool chant too (recommended)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56ngpGDG_4&feature=related Blessing the water (highly recommended)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYU4yVbGxjc&feature=related Ho'oponopono for Gulf of Mexico oil spill
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTJ7LS8FcVM&feature=related This is a guided visualization-- a bit long, but I just left it playing while I did something else
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHNrOmVwnqc&feature=related Yes, we can heal the planet, and we can do it in a methodical, precise way, using technology and every other means to magnify our intentions. I can feel it all working, can't you?