Edited on Sun Aug-08-10 01:27 AM by Metta
I teach meditation and this is something I find a beneficial part of personal hygiene as a stand alone and as part of a larger recalibration and higher alignment repertoire.
Get comfortable though you don't have to and while letting the breath happen ...., see, feel yellow light radiating and filling you from your solar plexus. Do that and observe the pace of your breathing. Doing that will clear you and give you room to move. Once this has cleared, you might want to do this to get your own stuff off of you. In any case, the sequence below brings clearing, expansion, balance, stability and protection especially as combined with observing the pace of your breathing.
From there, gently opening your crown seeing and feeling yourself in a comfortably large column of moving, breathing light. Let your breath happen at its natural pace. That creates a gyroscopic and plumb balance. Ask that this be lit up and turned on. The image will unfold. Focus on that and the pace of your breathing. If you notice any tension or discomfort, ask that some of the column's energy focus there. You can, also, surrender it all and what it's attached to to your favorite deity or/and breathe the light through it. Saying thank you greases the wheels. That'll adjust and refresh you and it works with and irrespective of your breathing.
This works in the moment and, with returned attention, is available more quickly and fully formed. Eventually, it's there at will and is something that stays with you and that you can move in/with.
:) Namaste