Allow your eyes to gently close and give yourself permission to be 100% present, here and now. Make sure you are in a comfortable position. Take a few long deep breaths, letting go of all thoughts and concerns of your day. Drop your shoulders. Breathe out any worries. Set an intention to let go of anything that is preventing you from relaxing. Allow yourself to have this time just for you…
Become aware of a column of soft pink light coming down from the universe and forming around you, like a comforting, loving blanket. Call in your healing angels and guides (depending on your belief system) to bless your intention to let go. Ask them to assist you in opening your heart fully to yourself in this moment.
Notice your breath without trying to change it. Just observe it. Let your awareness sink down in your body. Just take some time to really be with your body and thank it for all its hard work today. Keep your breath relaxed and gentle. If thoughts intrude just observe them, acknowledge them and let them go. Bring your attention right into the centre of your body, letting all your awareness come completely inwards, noticing areas of tension or restriction. Is there an area in particular that is calling your attention? Breathe deeply into these areas for a few minutes and take your time. Open yourself to every sensation, every aspect of you. Feel yourself softening…
Allow yourself to be bathed in that soft pink light that is surrounding you. Breathe in that healing energy, allowing it to flood through every part of you for a few minutes. Feel it accepting and receiving every part of you. Ask your being ‘what part of me do I resist loving?’ Notice what presents itself without judgement or going into any ‘story’. Just notice and breathe deeply.
(continued at link below)