I still sense my Dad around especially near my Mom so I don't think I have driven him off ;) About a month ago I invited him to watch a fishing program with me. I think it was called River Monsters about this guy who travels the world trying to catch HUGE freshwater fish most of which have lots and lots of big teeth :eek: Not something I normally would want to watch but every time I saw the ad I would say to myself Dad would have LOVEd that show. So one evening when I saw it was time for it to come on I asked my Dad to come and watch it with me. Normally a show like that with toothy people attacking fish and people swimming around in murky waters trying to catch them would make me anxious and cringing waiting for someone to get chomped. Instead I was laughing, intact almost giddy with enjoyment throughout the program.
processing vs. release - it feels to me like at times some stuff just needs out whether through cussing, energy work, hitting a pillow or punching bag, a good cry or something else. Other times it feels harder to just let it out, that maybe something still needs to be learned possibly so I recognize this pattern of behavior,
this way of reacting to others actions so I know what to do when encountering it again. This brings to mind what i read of the asteroid Nessus -
Nessus is about power dynamics and the dynamics of abuse, very important themes today in the western world, as we discover we were all abused as kids (and I mean it). Power and abuse dynamics always appear in relationships first, then they appear in one's inner emotional patterning, and the relationship pattern of that lifetime. Nessus tells us that physical abuse and psychological abuse work about the same way, and reminds us that quite often psychological abuse is more insidious because so often we don't know it's happening and we don't think it happened.
Eric Francis -
http://ericfrancis.com/issues/0306/bonus.htmlNessus - the buck stops here.The 3rd Centaur to be discovered is one that seems to address issues to do with the abuse of power, and it too has ancestral implications. It seems that Nessus brings opportunities to understand and release deep patterns of helplessness, being taken advantage of, and being oppressed. This is particularly relevant for people raised in a culture where they are in a minority group. Nessus processes really do seem to bring to an end the unfathomable ties that bind us to people, places, and situations. We can psychoanalyse our bonds, do 'tie cutting exercises', sweat and strain to be free of situations which burn with relentless continuity, but only when such endeavours are in harmony with the deeper timing of the soul will they result in deep release. And when they do, the healing is unmistakeable. Nessus activations correspond with times when things really do end, finish and transcend to another level, when release occurs and when the turning point is reached. This sometimes happens through an intensification of suffering. The end of falsely hopeful innocence is signalled by Nessus transits, and the opening of a deeper wisdom. Nessus sometimes correlates with itching and burning skin as occurs in instances of eczema, nettle rash and allergy for instance. This accords neatly with the Greek myth in which Nessus attempted to abduct and take advantage of Heracles wife, Deianira. Heracles saw the rape about to happen and shot Nessus. As he lay dying, Nessus gave Deianira a potion containing his heart's blood and semen, saying that the potion would ensure Heracles faithfulness to her. When she became unsure of Heracles fidelity she smeared the potion on his shirt but Nessus had lied; the mixture, impregnated with his toxic blood was poisonous and it burned Heracles terribly. To escape the pain Heracles threw himself onto a funeral pyre. Appalled by what had happened, Deianira committed suicide.
Chiron and the Centaurs by Sue Tompkins and Melanie Reinhart