I am beyond thrilled at the outpouring for Rocky. It is stunning, really. We're both in shock. :wow:
I'm seeing more and more just how very, very hard it is for people to ask for help. Heck, if it were me, I would be terrified/hesitant/embarrassed to put myself out there, too.
For all the people who chimed in and helped Rocky -- and shared that they're also in dire straits, both on the board and in PMs -- no one has posted at the wishlist yet, and not many have signed up to Wishadoo.
It takes time. It took Rocky about a week to build the courage to put his story out there.
And people can post on behalf of others, too (especially for those who don't even have an Internet connection). Still, the person in need has to be willing to allow another to do it on their behalf, so it's still putting their personal situation "out there" in the process of asking for help.
It IS a pathetic shame that our society is as it is. But, it is for now.
I'm sharing and rambling now since this is ASAH and where I ramble and share...lolol.
This is where I have to set my own personal boundary. As an empath, I feel others' struggles and suffering almost acutely at times...it grows stronger as I get older (or as the veil thins?).
I've always been the type of person people share their most intimate struggles with, and I -- like most people -- want to help. It gets overwhelming though, so it's been my dream to find a way to help people's needs and dreams come true by enabling -- EMPOWERING -- others to connect to help them.
I've created that space, to the best of my ability, at Wishadoo.
Now, it's up to others to make use of it. Now that the door has been opened, I'll be devoted to spreading the word about it, but I have to set the boundary or requirement that people "put it out there" -- that is their huge leap of faith -- and I'll be doing my level best behind the scenes to enable connections and wishes to be fulfilled.
But, we have to gather first and put ourselves "out there."
I think that's the next video...the fear of putting ourselves out there and taking that leap of faith, without expectation...