I’m currently reading “Spontaneous Evolution, our positive future and a way to get there from here” by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda). I love smart guys. And especially smart guys who are nice as these two.
Here’s a clip:
Albert Einstein stated that a problem couldn’t be solved at the same level it was created. Never has that assessment been truer than today when all of our reality checks seem to be bouncing. Clearly, we can no longer solve our problems by doing exactly what we’ve been doing. More weaponry doesn’t bring peace. More prisons don’t reduce crime. More expensive health care doesn’t make us healthier Nor does information make us wiser.
In lieu of focusing on the crises, we are encouraged to escape into addictions and distractions conveniently placed before us to keep us preoccupied and passive. But reality keeps intervening. Everything in the world seems to be rolling toward some inexorable, beyond-our-control crisis. Those of us with children and grandchildren are concerned as to what kind of world we will leave behind for them and their children.
After assessing civilization's plight using insights offered by cutting edge scientists, we are happy to report that there are, indeed, golden opportunities hidden in the dark clouds of crisis. Those willing to face the music and dance together will be the ones who will help transform the threatening crises we face into awesome opportunities.
Great book. I highly recommend it.