First, do you know if it includes dental? From what I've read, it doesn't.
It got me thinking: why not have similar clinics for dental, eye care, and even chiropractic care (one of the more accepted forms of alternate therapy)?
We could spearhead a Wishadoo! write-in to Olbermann and the National Association of Free Clinics, which is coordinating these events, to follow up with these other services for which there is a dire need.
Also, I anticipate the Groups feature at Wishadoo will be instrumental in brainstorming about ways to create this new world of more compassionate communities.
You can create groups yourself once you join. I haven't done a shout-out at DU yet, but I'd love to have people join the ENTREPRENEUR/SMALL BUSINESS group to brainstorm about ways to create jobs and ventures and support those who are; the ANIMAL/PET group to focus on issues and needs affecting those creatures; etc., etc., etc.
For those who belong to Care2 and Yahoo groups and other groups which focus on community and issues, maybe a group could be created FOR them within Wishadoo -- for that community to be able to make use of Wishadoo's tools.
What I envision is this: Just as existing groups and organizations have Facebook pages, for example, I'd love to create Groups for them AT Wishadoo, so they can make use of the Wishlist and Resource Directory to further the good they're doing already.
It's all connected. We can all work together. Personally, I'm on a mission to get rid of all the fragmentation that drains energy and resources.
If you have any ideas about this or want to send people my way -- or direct me somewhere to connect with other groups you belong to -- please let me know. Or, if you want to create Groups at Wishadoo for your interest and expertise, please do! We already have our spirituality group at the other ASAH forum, but anything other than that would be great!
I'll be creating an Our Collective Wellness group within Wishadoo when I get that going... (; no one has come forth wanting to be involved there yet, so I shall wait. :)
Thanks and :grouphug: :grouphug: