Starcodes Aug 20 2010
Wake up and smell the turning leaves. Love and challenge are this week’s themes as Venus and Mars conjunct in ever so friendly Libra and crank up our emotional expectations, while Saturn squares Pluto and challenges our sense of security all while the Sun opposes Neptune and Mercury turns retrograde and fuzzes out our brains.
Mercury, that rascally arbitrator of all things modern--how we communicate, import or move through the world—now slows us down and sends us back to clean our room and clean up our karma before the next season begins. We may think we’re supposed to be launching in the year ahead, but probably need to revisit a recent decision, correct a misconception, review the year or handle a problem already on our plates first.
As Mercury appears to back up against the zodiacal belt we can use the next three weeks to get organized and remember what we were doing before we let go for summer. Mercury in Virgo isn’t so fond of fuzzy thinking, and this can leave us irritable if we try to accomplish too much. It’s a good time to visit with old friends or strengthen old contacts. If we’re starting a new job, it’s time to find out what the last person was doing before they left. Get ready to start this year’s work after Sept 12th when Mercury turns direct.
Underneath this mental crankiness, Venus and Mars are lovely together in the night sky and they sing sweetly to us in Venus’ own sign of Libra. This Venus-Mars conjunction wants us to see the beauty way and can help us reach out in compassion to those that really need it. We dream of something better, something more cooperative or romantic, more fair and lovely in love or politics.
While this can bring delightfully romantic moments and introduce us to new friends and allies for the work ahead, they also can really increase the expectations we put on our relationships. Paradoxically, this aspect nudge us to become less tolerant of whatever seems to be standing in the way of our ideas, like a partner that isn’t living up to their potential or one that is being too critical of us. Notice this scenario has two sides, one who is apparently screwing up, not living up to the Libran ideal, and one who is, thanks to Mercury retrograde in analytical Virgo, noticing.
more here on, my dears! Looks like we're in for another big ride!