We have these around every 29 years. Yes, the last one was with Reagan. In the midst of all of this Pluto pressure and the forgotten Neptune that is sitting on the USA's Moon, here comes Saturn....quickly I might add.
It has its good side and its unfortunate.
Clearly, Saturn is piling on to this economic situation, pressing us for answers. One of the things Saturn is known for is not letting us get away with making more "funny money." It requires real answers backed up by real resources. So, that's one thing. With all of the country's infrastructure under pressure from Pluto, Saturn is boldly trying to come up with new workable answers.
You can clearly expect big trouble with the economic situation since it is testing the beginning of its phase, i.e., the success or failure of trickle-down-make-GOPers-rich-economics and corrupt political ways sown by Reagan et al.
The real good thing about Saturn, which is so underrated, is that it puts a STOP to things. It makes things end when they have become dysfunctional.
My heart goes out to so many of us who are hurting financially now. It seems like a cruel joke to be having so many heavyweight transits at once. But, astrology never makes mistakes: the planets are always exactly where they're supposed to be.
Yes it is drawing all of us closer together, there's your silver lining.