I thought this was an interesting thought and was wondering what you all think of this. I remember having this feeling last November that something really big will bring down George Bush. I knew whatever this event would be it would have to be something that would unite the whole country around him. This event would've been so powerful it would have to do so. I thought at first this feeling was Valerie Wilson or Cindy Sheehan. But then a friend of mine said she thought it was Katrina. What do you all think?
http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/newsthoughts.htm#HURRICANE A strange game called Ultima. Created in 1993.
Within the composition of the game is a legend.
From the land of Britannia comes the legend of Katrina.
Katrina was a shepherd who cared for her flock with great humility and kindness and compassion.
The Avatar ( the incarnation of God or the divine) destroyed the city of Magincia.
Magincia means pride.
Everything was wiped out. The city was destroyed and the only survivor was Katrina. She survived because she was humble, kind and compassionate. In the legend Katrina is a symbol of humility, kindness and compassion.
She became the companion of the Avatar, the companion of God.
Nature destroys the city. Everything is gone.
The economy is gone, industry is gone, the political and religious system is gone, the business system is gone.
All that survives is compassion, kindness, humility, and love.
Will this tragedy be the catalyst for turning the United States Of America away from its obsession with its strength and its industrial power and return it to its traditional way of reaching out to the less fortunate, to the poor, to the sick , to the needy?
Will it dare to once again become liberal when it comes to helping those in need ?
All that was left in the city was Katrina, holding hands with God.
Compassion, love, and kindness, survived in spite of the government, not because of it.
It was written in 1993 and fulfilled 12 years later in 2005