Dedicated to Kind of Blue who asked for an issue about:
“Saturn in the Fifth House Opposing Pluto in the Seventh with a Trin in the Nebula and all that Stuff”
How to Do an Astrology Chart
So many people want to learn how astrology is done, but it does present a daunting task at first. So many terms - so many factors - all spinning this way or that - at different speeds. It’s a very difficult art/science to explain at first. Once you get it, you got it.
I will try to keep this as non-wordy as possible. However, there are things you’ll have to learn. Mr. Google will tell you about all of these:
Each planet has a meaning - an energy. For example Mercury in your chart represents the kind of mind you have or the type of thinking you do. The Moon represents your emotions, lifestyle and many other factors. Saturn represents how you discipline yourself. All of the 11 planets have multifarious meanings.
Each sign has an archetypal nature. This is what most of you know as your “Sun sign.” This is so because the Sun was traveling on its 30-day voyage through “your sign” at the time of your birth. It’s just a sign. The Sun can be in the sign of Cancer, the Moon can be in the sign of Cancer, Pluto can be in sign of Cancer… A sign is a very powerful part of nature that sub-divides the zodiac into 12 equal but radically different parts. Aries is assertive, for example; Taurus is grounded; Gemini is chatty; Cancer is sensitive, and on and on, etc. You’ve heard this stuff before.
Each planet can be in just about any sign, for the most part. For example, your Mars, which represents your energy can be in the frugal sign of Capricorn (no matter where your Sun is) which combines to mean that you use your energy wisely and efficiently. Another example: Your Moon which can be very moody may have been found in the sign of Libra at the time of your birth. The sign Libra is not moody or particularly emotional. Then, when we combine the nature of the Moon (your feelings) with the sign in which it was found, Libra, we see that the combination of your Moon in Libra indicates that you are probably rather even-tempered emotionally – well- balanced. We continue to do this for all 11 of the planets.
You can quickly see how you may or may not be very much like what you have come to know as your Sun sign! Some Leos have many planets in Pisces. Some Virgos have lots of planets in Virgo. Some Scorpios have only their Sun in Scorpio while most of their planets are in Libra. The permutations are practically endless. This is one major reason that our natal charts are all so different – just like fingerprints.
Next we will be learning about the 12 “houses.” The houses are where you express your energy.
So far we have: Planet = an energy Planet in a sign = a type of energy Planet in a sign and a house = where that type of energy is expressed in your life
For example, the second house tells us much about your sense of self-worth. The sixth house: about your health. The seventh: your relationships. The detailed meanings of these 12 houses can easily be found with a Google search. Or, in my past newsletters, I covered each one starting with Volume 15 in my newsletter archives found at:
www.starself.com/newletter15.html through www.starself.com/newsletter26.html
So, you see, you need the groundwork of astrology in order to get started. You must have at least a basic idea as to what these items mean: the 11 planets, the 12 signs, and the 12 houses. Your knowledge of these items will grow and grow the more you practice.
Remember, most of these steps can be done in seconds by a computer, but, for now, I’ll briefly explain each step and what occurs:
1. Find out where the planets were when you were born. . . . . <snip>
To access the entire newsletter, go to: www.starself.com/newsletter56.html