at seven central, this guy looks very interesting..........
Leonard Jacobson is an Australian-born spiritual teacher, mystic, gifted healer and author whose work focuses on the awakening of human consciousness. He has been guiding students towards liberating themselves from the thinking mind and awakening into the present moment for more than 25 years. Leonard studied at "The University of Melbourne" and graduated with a law degree in 1969. For ten years, he practiced as a defense attorney, before giving it up in search of something more fulfilling.
In 1981, he had the first of a series of powerful and mystical experiences, which dramatically opened him to a higher level of consciousness, revealing Oneness and a world of extraordinary beauty. This experience produced for him an overwhelming sense of love, accompanied by profound revelations about the nature of the human condition.
These awakening experiences form the foundation of Leonard’s teachings. Leonard teaches only one thing - Presence! He is a Master of Presence and a very clear guide for those on a path of awakening. He teaches that the fully awakened state of consciousness is available now. It is not something that occurs in the future. It is not something that we can arrive at through spiritual practice. It is already here, waiting to be revealed. As you awaken into the present moment, your thoughts will stop, your mind will fall silent, and you will awaken to an inner silence and peace that is beyond understanding. You will begin to encounter what the mystics and Masters have been speaking of for centuries.
Leonard’s latest book, “Journey into Now,” represents the refinement of 25 years of teaching into a complete and comprehensive guide to spiritual awakening. It navigates the reader step-by-step through the entire awakening process, revealing all of the keys to liberation from the mind and ego.
Leonard Jacobson is the founder of "The Conscious Living Foundation." He currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota and runs workshops there, as well as throughout the United States, and internationally. His teachings are clear and precise. He has a remarkable ability to express the most profound truths in the simplest of ways.
This is Leonard Jacobson’s official Facebook page. Sometimes Leonard will respond personally. At other times, his organization, "The Conscious living Foundation," will respond, depending on Leonard’s schedule.
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Favorite Quotations "In truth, there is no life outside of this moment." -Leonard Jacobson