You may remember, back in May, I referred to the Jupiter/Uranus entrance into Aries to be the "revolution." You could be wondering what happened to it. Some of you have acted on it and have had great results. Others, haven't noticed anything unusual. The revolution is still occurring.
It has been greatly foreshadowed by the ongoing traveling Tsquare to Pluto which has been so "heavy."
In two days, the Sun will shed its light from 1 degree away onto the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction which has since backed up into Pisces. The Sun will "ask" inside of us, "How well have we done with our liberation?"
It's that simple. "Events" may happen, but that is not what is important. What is important is the overall process of, as Stella said, "release our presumed stranglehold on how we crave our known comfort zones..."
It's all about getting past our "stuckness" as some people have been putting it. When the Sun shines on an object or pair, it asks, "How well are we doing with this?" Look for many people to finally start to SEE the revolution that started in the collective and our unconscious minds on 5/27 and 6/6. It should become clearer that we have been keeping ourselves stuck by holding on. Or maybe, clarity will be made on our stuck "situations" and how we can overcome them.
Good luck to all - this should be a great transit even if it turns a bit chaotic.
The message is to let go and get out into the stream of life. It's happening more and more all around us.