Back in July, I posted about my fears that some dark entities were attaching themselves to a loved one of mine; he was in some rather serious trouble and was in substantial peril of life and limb.
Well, I posted and then went away, which I realize is a serious breach of etiquette. I humbly beg your pardon(s) and will surely do better. It's hard work being a WSM (white southern male) of A Certain Age in this new century; there's so much conditioning to un-learn! Case in point: (and I can hear my ancestors talking) "You don't air your dirty laundry in public, boy. Them's your troubles, you fix 'em."
So, there I was in hiding, feeling beset and sorry for myself when DUers from this group sought me out and offered help! What a BLESSING that was and how MOVING to get such support!!! I owe you dear beings big time.
Thank you!
Long story a little longer: he and I have surmounted the difficulties. We have talked long hours about White Light, protective shields, Higher Selves, free will and PERMISSION (the Goons had to have his to get near him; he knows that now!) He even sought out a psychic on his own and she was able to help him along.
Loved One and I have amalgamated all the wonderful advice that was given here and have arrived at a solution that works. If there's ANYTHING that I can ever help youse guys wit, just let me know!
:loveya: dbt
Remember New Orleans