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CHIRON - the wound that never heals? or the wounded healer?

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 09:33 PM
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CHIRON - the wound that never heals? or the wounded healer?

I have never accepted the generally accepted definition of Chiron as the wounded healer.

Rather I think Chiron represents "the place of the wound that never heals".

I recently had a transit of Chiron to a sensitive point in my chart
to do with early homelife.

Not all of us had Leave It To Beaver and June Cleaver childhoods. As a matter of fact America has to be the King of dysfunctional families carrying on a European tradition toward children.

In any case, although an unpleasant and unhappy (not alcoholic) childhood has long been left behind, when Chiron hit a sensitive point to do with my early homelife, who should appear, but a
person who mimicked all the bullying I suffered as a child.

And so the meaning of Chiron becomes clearer.

The transit of Chiron to this sensitive point brought up the wounding and bullying, even emotional abuse memories I suffered as a child, and fortunately I recognized this and what was occurring.

I think I handled the incident well, advising the person they were a rude crass bully and I was fed up with such behavior , that they needed anger management therapy and that if they didn't get it, they could get out of my life.

I'm pleased that I was not hurt or confused by their actions and behavior, as would be normal in a child who would think they caused such behavior and turn the hurt inward.

Gawd, it's good to be a grown-up. :)

All of this occurring with a full moon and a planet approaching my natal Mars this last three days.

Too bad that children are not trained early on to recognize abusive behavior, what to say and do about it. It would save so much hurt and pain in the world.

And so, it confirms to me that Chiron's placement signifies "the wound that never heals".

Watch Chiron's transits to your chart, and take a look at it's natal placement and see if you come to the same conclusion I have.

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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 11:31 PM
Response to Original message
1. sounds to me as though prehaps you have healed that area....
I always thought of Chiron as the place where we are wounded and having moved past it - healed it...we can then facilitate the healing of others around the same wounding we experienced, transcended and healed......

How can we truly understand unless we have experienced something...taken it within ourselves and transmuted it and come out the other side....

You recognized the pattern...the wound...and moved past it...transcended it. You weren't caught up in the old feelings of the past...I would say you done real good!!!! You are now the wounded healer....

Just my 2 cents

We need Spiralhawk's "Chironic" expertise!!
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-30-04 11:57 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Desertrose, thanks, actually no one has Chiron "down pat" -
at the time of discovery, "the wounded healer" was tried on for size by the main body of astrologers, but many disagreed.

It never quite seemed to fit. And astrologers were asked to work with
it and submit their findings.

Although I have grown up, I think the point is that the wound/scar is there, and when Chiron transits, it's akin to picking at the scab.

I also notice that whenever there is a tragedy, a wounding, a death
Chiron is present. And I have often thought that Chiron is the one who
rows across the River Styx rather than Charon.

No matter what, Chiron is associated with pain, hurt, and even deaths.

Maybe we should look at the date of the attacks on Falujah and see what Chiron was doing.

Or even the first chart of the beginning of the war on Iraq, and see what Chiron was doing.

Or 9-11 too.
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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 01:20 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. so true....Chiron was discovered the year my son was born...hmmmm
and I must say that having my Chiron return at the same time Pluto had also just crossed it was pretty rough ......but thats another story....I survived and had a shift of perspective.....came through as a different person in many was all in my 2nd house...whee..what fun!

I see Chiron associated with death but in a less physical way and more spiritual...but thats just me and I am sure NO expert on it beyond my own experiences :)
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 12:02 AM
Response to Original message
3. A few things about Chiron. . .
Edited on Wed Dec-01-04 12:15 AM by stellanoir
I had one of my greatest challenges in life when Saturn was on my Chiron with transiting Pluto squaring it. It was really rough.

Sounds like you dealt with this situation extremely well in terms of deflecting the provocation of an old wound and maintaining your boundaries. Congrats.

In the broader sense, it may be really important to be mindful of a few things about Chiron.

Firstly, we've only tracked it since '77 which makes it a relatively recent discovery.

Secondly, that it is believed by many astrophysicists to be a planetoid, which is a ridiculous word, but illustrates that it was an asteroid that somehow engaged in the gravitational orb of our Solar System. It has always been my fervant and possibly delusional hope that we were essentially "hurled a helper."

Thirdly, that it's orbit between Saturn and Uranus is rather telling. The archetypal and mythological argument between those two influences is somewhat notorious. Their dynamic is one of combative patriarchs. . .a quite nasty father/son scenario.
Saturn compells us to conform to the laws of physical reality. Uranus compels us to manifest our divine potential despite the restrictions of pre-existing conditions or rules and often manifests as an intensely rebellious urge.

Somewhere with the potential of reconciliation of those two contrary urges (conformity and rebellion) lies the promise of Chiron and perhaps our very evolution.

"You have a genetic predisposition that you cannot overcome."
"Yeah, well just watch me." That's basically the cartoon.

To address a circumstance of profound limitation with consciousness, as you so did with this encounter symbolizes the more positive essence of Chiron.

Does a wound ever heal? I think perhaps it transforms only when one is no longer vulnerable to it's weakness and can help others dealing with similar issues, having drawn wisdom from the experience.

Silly me.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 12:08 AM
Response to Original message
4. Here's a link
of a very witty and somewhat sardonic NYC astrologer's take on Chiron. . .
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 02:45 AM
Response to Reply #4
7. Stellanoir - where've you been? I luv Michael Lutin -he's
histerically funny in person - funnier even than his writings.

And where is your Moon Column?

I agree with some of what you say.

And thank you for the "attaboy".

As I'm reading you, I'm realizing something else.

A double Chiron working here.

Being of a libran nature, I don;t like to fight, but I wont do a typical libra "peace at any price" either.

And there is also a Saturn aspect involved with this Chiron transit.

Thinking of what I said, I realize I caused the re-opening of a very deep Chiron wound in this person. His mother died immediately after an argument with him - and his wife also died after being embroiled in a hate to the death marriage with him.

Funny, I remember saying, "you aren't going to kill me" - not thinking of his tragedies, but thinking of my own health - Interesting. So my Chiron was not only activated but so was his.

For a moment I'm feeling bad and forgiving - of course - but the moment passed. If that person won't heal themselves, I can't do it for them.

Hopefully, the shock of my saying that got through to some level in him. But it was a pretty terrible thing to say, even if I didn't realize I was saying it in the way he might have taken it.

Did you ever hear Michael Lutin's skit about Libra, so dainty, sitting with a 38 under her hanky? Hoot! I rolled on the floor laughing.

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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 01:03 AM
Response to Original message
5. another perspective...and link

Eric Francis says it way better than I could. :)

Chiron has three distinct feelings:

One, a sense of the dimensions opening up, like a cosmic door swings open and the real world is revealed. This can come as a threshold or gateway experience, such as an erotic experience with someone, a trip (of either kind, but in the sense that something inside you distinctly moves as a result), or a mystical encounter. This might last a day, or a whole season, but the door opens. The door can close just as fast, leaving us in the normal structure and purpose of our lives, but changed on a more or less subtle level, often profoundly, and we are often never able to forget the experience. Two, Chiron can manifest as a crisis, such as separation, illness, injury or an unwanted radical change, but this change always works out for the better, or it always can be worked for the better. Three, Chiron shows up as a major, intense, rapid and somehow unexplainable stage of growth, which is most distinctly a point of no return. In this regard, it is much like an eclipse, but with special properties.

Often, these three types of changes will be mixed and matched, though one may dominate. In the end, there is usually the sense that, somehow, one's life has healed as a result of the changes that came through. The difference is always determined by awareness, followed by the willingness to act. The less aware we are, the more Chiron manifests as crisis. The more aware we are, the more Chiron manifests as revelation. The same could be generally said about astrology, but Chiron has a lot to teach us about astrology.

There are three other important concepts to keep in mind when Chiron is the theme, all of which are among the earliest concepts. One is maverick. Chiron does things his own way. Two is bridge. Chiron always serves to connect spheres of consciousness, levels of reality, people or cultures. The third is holistic, or you could say, holographic. Chiron puts in touch with the holos, the complete picture. Chiron teaches that we don't live in a "universe." We live in a holoverse.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 02:58 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. Thanks again Desertrose.
Although I'm not fond of his writings -

this is very apropos to what I have just experienced.

"The more aware we are, the more Chiron manifests as revelation. "
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Nancy Waterman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 02:32 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Pallas, Thanks for starting this thread
Edited on Wed Dec-01-04 02:35 PM by Nancy Waterman
I have a great deal of trouble really "getting" Chiron and therefore cannot usually use it for prediction.

The only time I can say I felt a transit from Chiron was on my Chiron return, which was early December 2000. I have a 12th house Chiron, and the experience then was one of collective pain. It was not something in my personal life, but in the life of the collective, but it was agonizing. It was of course the GWB Coup that stole America.

But I have looked at the times of crisis in my life and can find no trace of Chiron. And I have looked at Chiron transits and can find no crisis. Because I learn astrology through experience, I have a hard time really "getting" Chiron. Perhaps this is because it is buried in my 12th house and I have trouble accessing its meaning beyond a strong feeling of the pain of the collective.

Bush has a third house Chiron. I can see where his stupidity and his inability to speak could be a constant source of pain. Also, perhaps, sibling issues, which began with the dealth of his sister on his first quarter Chiron square.

The coming Inaugural chart has Chiron on the MC and close to conjunct the Sun, which it actually will conjunct in February, July, and December 2005. Both the MC and the Sun are indicative of Bush in this chart. The Sun more Bush personally and the MC would be his reputation and that of his administration in the world. So what will this Chiron transit do? Will he be a wounded president who can never really heal? Will this be a crippled administration? According to Melanie Reinhardt, Chiron transits cause:

a period of major disruption, breakdown and potential deep transformation of the personality and purpose in life.

She also suggests the initial reaction can be one of denial. So does this mean a crisis that Bush initially denies, then causes a breakdown, then he emerges with a saner plan for the country? Any ideas?

There is also the issue of Chiron exactly conjunct the Inaugural MC, within 41 seconds, if we use the 12:02 time that we had last time. Does this also imply a crippled, wounded administration that can never really get its bearings?
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 04:32 PM
Response to Reply #9
10. Hi Nancy, about Chiron in the 12th,
I'm going to get around to answering a lot of your other questions as well as I can about Chiron and the chimp, need to look at lots of charts but I wont look at all that now..time limitations.. but I did
want to say looking at Chiron in his third - mental abilities, speech,
manner of communicating: we've all known there is something very wrong there...but I never paid attention to his third house Chiron before.

We can assume easily there was a wounding there as represented by Chiron's placement....the question is was it genetic or acquired. I suspect genetic . He speaks as if there is a broken synapse - I'm not being sarcastic but literal. He searches for words he can't find - something is not connecting. The fact that he doesn't read also lends to the theory that he may be dyslexic - again another trait one is born with, and Chiron is pointing it out.

Now as to your 12th house Chiron. I just don't see Chiron in your 12th house as representing a collective unconscious hurt or crisis. Chiron seems to be very personal.

And Chiron is not necessarily a crisis at all.

Chiron is a wound, a hurt.

And since it's in your closet (12th house) where you and we all stuff things away we don't want to look at, or face, or hang out for all to see - I think you have to ask yourself what hurts are you hiding in your closet? What hurt, wound, pain do you refuse to acknowledge, even to yourself?

What sign is Chiron in - that might give you a hint.

Anyway, I'll get back on my thoughts on Chiron on Inaug MC later - that doesn't look good at all does it?
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NEOBuckeye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #5
58. I don't know if I was going through a Chiron transit or not...
Edited on Sat Dec-11-04 09:21 PM by NEOBuckeye
"...a sense of the dimensions opening up, like a cosmic door swings open and the real world is revealed. This can come as a threshold or gateway experience, such as an erotic experience with someone, a trip (of either kind, but in the sense that something inside you distinctly moves as a result), or a mystical encounter. This might last a day, or a whole season, but the door opens. The door can close just as fast, leaving us in the normal structure and purpose of our lives, but changed on a more or less subtle level, often profoundly, and we are often never able to forget the experience."

But I experienced a rather compelling soul mate attraction a few years ago that seemed very surreal. I met her entirely by chance, very late one night in a diner. Actually, she was the sister of an aquaintance that I knew in high school. I barely knew her then, but she got my attention by calling me by name. And, as if we were old friends, we proceeded to talk with each other for something like 30 to 45 minutes! It was a very deep, very intellectual, very compelling conversation, and it was amazing for 1 AM in the morning. I had worked the entire day and was dead tired by that time, but it's as if just being in her presence somehow reinvigorated me.

I would see her twice more after that night. Each time, it was the same. There was an instant attraction, and every time we talked, there was just this magnetic energy between us that I still cannot put into words. Bombs could have been going off around us, and yet I'm sure that we would have stayed focused on just each other.

So why the hell didn't I ask her out? I may very well ask myself that question for eternity. My self esteem was totally bottomed out at that disgraceful point in my life. And here she was, with a toasty-warm heart, a hair-splitting, razor-sharp mind, and a deep gaze that conveyed a beautiful, spiritual, magnetic, glowing aura that could chase away the darkness in any room. And she was giving me her full, undivided attention! She wasn't the woman of my dreams. She was so much more than anything I ever dreamed. And I hadn't even one ounce of courage to ask her out, even when I knew she was VERY interested in me. Even my friends who were with me at the restaurant where she worked, on the night of the third encounter, could pick up on the attaction and told me about it. Yet the voice in my head was telling me that she was perfect, but that I wasn't ready for her. I just didn't feel worthy, or good enough to deserve her. Not then, at that point in my life.

It really sucks, because it took less than two weeks after that night for me to work up the resolve to go back to the restaurant and ask her out. But I was too late. She had quit the multiple public restaurant jobs to work in a private company, and I had no way of tracking her down. Worse, by the time we did cross paths again almost a year later, she had a boyfriend, to whom I hear she is married with children.

I beat myself up for a long time after that for not having the strength and courage to ask her out when I had the opportunity. But at some point, I realized that if the voice in my head was telling me that I wasn't really ready to take a chance on a relationship then, that I needed to get my personal act together, so that I might someday be ready when the next opportunity comes along. As a result of this experience, I became much more personally aware. I do feel the wound of the missed opportunity may be with me for quite sometime (or maybe just until I meet someone else), but I do see and appreciate how it has helped me to grow.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 11:36 PM
Response to Reply #58
59. Not Chiron, but beautiful writing. More likely a South Node
conjunction with a little mars/uranus thrown in. Even a Pluto conjunct a planet. When those are involved other people sense the
energy and magnetism, as your friends did.
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NEOBuckeye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #59
61. Thanks, Pallas!
I don't write much, but when I do, it's usually pretty elaborate. I suppose it might have something to do with my natal Saturn at 23 Leo, third house.

Anyway, at the time of my experience, my North Node was at 3 Libra, Pluto at 14 Libra, and Moon at 23 Libra, in my fourth house. Secondary Progressions. Uranus was nearby at 13 Scorpio.

I have no idea of her birth time, so I can only speculate about her chart. What I do know is that her birth date had her Sun in Virgo, Moon in Scorpio. My Natal Sun is in Taurus, Moon is in Capricorn. As I said, it was the most genuine and intense soul mate connection I've ever felt. And although I realize how pointless it is now, I still wish I had the chance to go back in time to those moments. I would have held nothing back.

*sigh* Experiences like that are so rare. At least, they are for me.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 07:08 PM
Response to Original message
11. Hmmm. No one else has anything to say about Chiron in their
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 07:21 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. i didn't even know I had a "chiron"
when did he show up in the heavens?
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 07:40 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Hi AZDem, read from post #3, tells you all about it - everyone
has a chiron, you just have to set your program points (Solfire or Matrix or others) to include it.
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. OK he's in my 3rdhouse in Aquarius almost at the Nadir
Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 08:09 PM by AZDemDist6
what does that mean?

no other planets at all near him in my chart I have no other planets in Aquarius at all (which is very "top heavy")

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:09 PM
Response to Reply #14
21. AZDEM - apparently is giving interpretation of Chiron
in your chart.

Why don't you go over there like the two gals below did, and come
back and tell us what it says about Chiron in your third house.

Interesting...I don't know of many books about Chiron but there
must be some out there. We're still all experimenting with it and
finding out.

As I said above, the early interpretation of Chiron just didn't play.
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:20 PM
Response to Reply #21
26. i couldn't find an "interpretation" at all on that site
Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 11:41 PM by AZDemDist6
it did give me the birth info but I have never looked at aquarious at all since it's never been a populated house

here is what I found

Barry: Here in the 3rd we have all kinds of common "learning disabilities". People, coming out the other end are great teachers and educators. Multi-talented people. 7's in the Enneagram!

Janet: Really?

Barry: Sure.

Janet: How come? Why "learning disabilities"?

Barry: The ability of the organism to correctly discriminate the inputs from the environment leads to information processing which leads to the organisms ability to adapt (Gemini/3rd is a mutable sign/house) in order to survive and stay on the evolutionary learning curve. If that is "wounded" the person's ability to adapt/survive is severely limited.

Janet: But how does that relate to Enneagram 7’s who are very adaptable?

Barry: Gemini/3rd House is a mutable sign/house. Changeable…ability to do and learn about many things. To have lots of skills because of their ability to learn/take in information.

Janet: Ah! I mean the result of having coming through the "wound" then?

The ability of the organism to correctly discriminate the inputs from the environment leads to information processing which leads to the organisms ability to adapt (Gemini/3rd is a mutable sign/house) in order to survive and stay on the evolutionary learning curve. I

I went to 14 schools in 11 years as a child, got shuffled around from relative to relative (most of whom I never met until they picked me up at the airport)

I would say Chiron certainly allowed me to adapt and survive :)

still need to check out Aquarious in that house tho, have no idea what that means :shrug:
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:24 PM
Response to Reply #26
27. i think my time is off or something
as I looked at the chart it looked like Pisces to me and it fits this "interpretation" much better than the Aquarius

Chiron in Aquarius or the Eleventh House: These folks may seem utterly other-worldly. They may be drawn to technology in order to feel comfortable, safe and accepted. They may avoid social interaction and feel uncomfortable in large groups of people, mainly because of peer problems in their youth, or because they seem odd or different to their peers. Social rejection makes them withdraw into only those groups of people who share their interests and concerns, and they currently find great comfort in the opportunities provided by the Internet.

Chiron in Pisces or the Twelfth House: It's a little hard to describe Chiron in Pisces, because the crisis it creates is on a level of "Universal Consciousness". There are often religious or spiritual crises related to this placement, because the native feels more connected to the spiritual or "God" level than to the physical or material plane. The native can be drawn to angelic imagery, and they are often psychic, empathic or exhibit healing ability. Depression and drug usage are a risk, because these individuals are so psychically sensitive. Working to help or heal others can be healing to this placement, but it can also be harmful if they are not sufficiently mature to handle dealing with the stress. The native can benefit from the study of psychic protection.
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Digit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 10:59 PM
Response to Reply #12
35. Me, neither
I thought you were talking about something else entirely, so I never opened this thread.
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Pathwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 09:08 PM
Response to Reply #11
16. Chiron is in my first house.
Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 09:09 PM by Notorious Bohemian
Ouch. Pretty much says it all.

I should also confess that most of what I know about Chiron has come from DU. Please tell us more.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #16
25. OK ANJ, start going back in the ephemeris and tell us if you
can recall incidents when a planet (especially a heavy outer) transited the first house Chiron.

(homework, heh heh)
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Pathwalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 02:05 PM
Response to Reply #25
34. I found a free ephemeris for Chiron online, Pallas.
And after a very quick check, I found that the transits of the outer planets show a HARD aspect to my natal Chiron whenever a BELOVED family member has died. sigh.
Saturn squared it when I left my abusive husband, as well.
On my brother's death, Neptune conjoined Chiron, Saturn squared it, and Pluto sextiled it. I daresay the Neptune conjunction is meaningful - to this day, the exact details of his death remain uncertain. Was it suicide or homicide - no one who knows has ever spoken, and everyone else just speculates.
The day my eldest son was born, Saturn opposed Chiron, and Uranus sextiled it.

That's what I've found so far. It certainly aspects death in my chart, but death is THE main theme of my life. What else should I expect with an 8th house Sun, though? I will look at other dates later, but I thought I'd report on what I've found SO FAR.

Anyway, here's the free online ephemeris with Chiron placements:

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:33 AM
Response to Reply #34
36. Thanks Anj. That confirms what I've seen of Chiron also, which
is why I associated it more with the cloaked figure who rows the
souls across the River Styx (see the Tarot Card).

What else should you expect with an 8th house sun? Why sex and money
of course...Look at the bright side . :) (when you can and as often as possible)
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:43 PM
Response to Reply #16
29. a knight in shining armor doesn't sound so bad
Chiron in the 1st house: Chiron here can make you like a knight in shining armor, always ready to fight for the underdog. Usually, while you are doing this, you are neglecting yourself. You could also be a wise councilor (especially in health matters) but you seem to have trouble taking your own advice. A 1st house Chiron can be a gifted teacher, and, of course, you can teach others how to do something better than you can do it yourself. A neat trick to get around this: Give yourself advice as if you were someone else. Then maybe you will take it.
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BuelahWitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #11
42. Transiting Chiron will be hitting my descendant in January
And Saturn on my Ascendant. Scares me shitless! :scared:
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 07:01 PM
Response to Reply #42
47. Cmon Fucrisakes. Astrology is to be prepared not scared..
if you're going to run around saying the sky is falling on you..
you miss the whole point.

Saturn on the ascendant is a good time to lose weight - put your nose
to the grindstone - grow up with a Saturn transit...sounds like an issue from the past resurfacing through a partner or not so friendly other person...
something that caused a separateness from a person in the past, is re-surfacing agqain - so here's another chance to handle it.

That's the idea of astrology. Gonna repeat the same mistakes? see it coming, decide how you'll handle it now....

Scared. Scared? bulldoggy.

It's life. Are you scared of life ? Do you spend your life under the covers hiding? Or do you plan for the future?

(Lecture finished )

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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 08:47 PM
Response to Original message
15. I would like to know ...
Edited on Sat Dec-04-04 08:52 PM by hippiechick
I'm willing to download some of the freeware available online, but how do I identify which is Chiron when I get the chart results ?

I am curious to see if it's what I think it is.

on edit: This is what astrodienst said for me, for today 12/4/04
"Flog to death or accept
Valid during several weeks: This influence gives you the chance, with positive support from the quality of time, to start to look into, or to delve deeper into, those areas of knowledge which try to give practical answers to human problems. These include not only all forms of healing, but also psychology and astrology as well as areas such as sociology and education. This is a good time to go deeper into the theoretical, philosophical fundamentals of your subject. The danger of this influence lies in the intellectualization and "flogging to death" of experiences and situations which actually call for feeling or sympathy. On the wholly personal level, to do with you or someone close to you, such an approach hinders a compassionate understanding and effective acceptance of psychological realities.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Square Chiron exact at 04:36
activity period from 24 November 2004 until beginning of January 2005. "

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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 10:50 PM
Response to Reply #15
17. Astro Chart for my birth date/time ...>

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:01 PM
Response to Reply #17
18. does Chiron too...
mine from
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:07 PM
Response to Reply #18
20. HEY - you guys are talented ! You have to explain to me
how to copy a chart on here.
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:10 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. it has to be on the web somewhere
then right click the wheel-- go to "properties"

copy the url of the graphic and paste it here
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:15 PM
Response to Reply #22
24. Thanks AZ dem. Been online for years and never knew
how to get a chart on.


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Lugnut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 01:26 AM
Response to Reply #18
31. Hmmmm.....
I did the first step. Now I have to figure out what this all means.

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:14 PM
Response to Reply #17
23. Hippiechick, that's a really interesting chart -
I dont do personal charts online, but I am curious if you are an
artist or inventor and if you work at home.
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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 09:14 AM
Response to Reply #23
32. Let's just say, I know I should be but ...
I've long suspected what the stars and Spirit meant for me to do, but have avoided owning up to it all these years. The Leonine 'laze in the sun on a rock' tendency runs VERY strong in me. :( I do what's easy to get by rather than what I am meant to do.

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:05 PM
Response to Reply #15
19. The symbol for Chiron in a chart usually looks like
a K with a circle at the bottom of the straight line of the K
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 11:34 PM
Response to Original message
28. hmmm this was a nice site with easy to understand explanations
which for me is a key to astrology(since I know next to nothing about it) LOL
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Nancy Waterman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #28
30. I have the Melanie Reinhardt book he mentions
I think it is supposed to be one of the best on Chiron. I've been reading it over the past few days (inspired by Pallas' thread here).

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-05-04 12:46 PM
Response to Original message
33. Pallus, I did all the natal stuff now how do I "watch" the transits?
can I look them up somewhere or something?

what am I "watching" for?
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:43 AM
Response to Reply #33
37. AZDEM, lol , you're hooked ! Ok. Go back to or as Iknow it

they should have an ephemeris there, and even if they don't

go to the part that does your chart for free.

Put in your birth info.

Then where it says a comparison or relationship chart...use it to
put in today's date or whatever date you're looking at.

If you dont have your own astrology program, that will give you the
transits of the planets around your natal chart for the day.

You are looking for a planet that is opposite (180 degrees) from your
Chiron placement, or square (90 degrees) or conjunct your natal Chiron.

But it can also work another way, look for the transiting Chiron to be opposite, square or conjunct any of your natal planets.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 12:51 AM
Response to Reply #37
38. This is getting interesting isn't it! This group is finding out
more about the nature of Chiron than has been previously known.

Don't forget, it's a new asteroid discovery, relatively, since the
70's and is unfamiliar in its workings to most. People who wrote books on it did not necessarily have the length of time to really study and know the nature of the energies associated with this asteroid.

Astrology, knowledge of the energies of the known 7 planets, was handed down through the centuries, originating with the Chaldeans who
purportedly studied the natures of the energies for 50,000 years.

(BTW, the Chaldeans are the tribe Abraham came from - likely to be
the same area that is now being mutilated by this country. Some of the artifacts that were destroyed in the museum were more than 10,000
years old and I seem to remember Chaldea being mentioned.)
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Ladybast Donating Member (96 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 10:25 AM
Response to Original message
39. So, I looked up my Chiron
and found it was in my fourth house at 6 Capricorn. The thing is, my infantile, abusive, malicious, terrorizing, humiliating mother had her sun at 6 Capricorn.

So this is supposed to be the wound that never heals. But if I WANT to heal it and get over this shit--she's dead, praise Goddess--how does one go about achieving the self-healing?
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 11:29 AM
Response to Reply #39
40. Here's a start , Lady Bast :
Edited on Mon Dec-06-04 11:35 AM by Pallas180
this is a tenet of metaphysics.

Now you may not like doing or saying this, and it may not be true at
the beginning of your saying it; but if you will keep at it, it will
become the truth in your life..and you will be released from a whole
bunch of baggage.

What you are going to say mentally, and everytime you think of her, and everytime you think of something awful that was done to you, Is:

" I forgive _____ and I release ______ to her/his highest good.
I forgive myself and I release myself to my highest good..and so it is"

Sounds simple. So simple that most don't or won't do it.

You'll be surprised at the uplifting feeling you get when you say this to yourself. You're putting a thought, a powerful thought into the ether, the universe, and the universe will reward you by making it true. A major benefit very often is improved health.

One other thing, for everyone reading and learning here; I don't think
it's the fact that her Sun was at 6 Cap, (although when you run into
people with that degree, you may be either very attracted to the familiarity or very repelled) - I think the fact that Chiron is in the 4th house of the home is the point, showing the wounding in the homelife or early childhood.
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Ladybast Donating Member (96 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #40
43. Yes, I did think the 4th house Chiron placement
was significant. It was interesting to me because the meaning of it was so clear, and also because I was adopted. I have pretty much thought of that adoption as an unlucky accident that diverted me from my path, but there it is in my chart.

Thanks much for the helpful suggestion. I'll have to work a bit on the forgiveness thing, I do believe.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 05:31 PM
Response to Reply #43
45. Lady Bast, even if it's
not true when you say it, say it - because you're saying it for yourself and your own health = it doesn't have to be true right now,
but if you keep saying it " I forgive her and release her to her highest good " , it becomes the truth and the bitterness will leave you.

Nothing is by accident, by the way.

If you will do this, it will change your brain chemistry, change your brain chemistry, change your life.

You might also start saying to yourself, " I am loved, loving and lovable".

All Metaphysics. Watch the smile spread across your face.

Chemicals are released in your brain to your body when you think positive thoughts. Try it. Say something positive mentally and see how it feels. Then say a negative and see how it feels.


One other thing....this is really metaphysics:

"What you think is what you get"

Thoughts have power.
Thoughts are prayers, and we are always praying (for good or nil)
Listen to what you're saying (mentally) because that is what you are
asking the universe to deliver to you.

Every thought becomes a prayer.

Something to think about, eh what ?

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Nancy Waterman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 07:44 PM
Response to Reply #39
49. Ladyblast - for that kind of issue
A good therapist would be helpful. You need to work through the rage at your mother so you don't repeat what she did to you unconsciously on others. With the Sun in the 4th, your need to establish emotional roots is very strong, but it will come from either a family of your own or a "family" of close friends that provide emotional support and sustenance.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 11:38 AM
Response to Original message
41. Another interesting question- is it the location? or the degree & sign?
brought up by Lady Bast.

I believe that the house location tells of the "wound that never heals",

Lady Bast has discovered that the degree and sign of the person who
hurt her is the same degree of her Chiron.

Does anyone else have a similar experience?
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jrthin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 05:17 PM
Response to Original message
44. Pallas, where can
I find a site that will show me where my Chiron is? Astrodata, and other sites don't seem to show the Chiron. Thanks
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jrthin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 05:32 PM
Response to Reply #44
46. Pallas, nevermind.
Thanks, I've found my Chiron's placement.
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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #46
48. Please advise ?
I posted my chart above and still cannot locate the Chiron.
Am I not looking in the right place, on the right chart, or ?

Thanks !

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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 07:52 PM
Response to Reply #48
50. Hippiechick, they didn't put Chiron in - you have to ask for
it or look at the asteroid list and include Chiron, the part of fortune and the vertex in your chart..
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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-06-04 08:18 PM
Response to Reply #50
51. I think I'll just pass 'cause I have no idea what you mean.
Thanks, though :hi:

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:26 PM
Response to Reply #51
53. hippiechick
the Part of Fortune and the Vertex are not physical points in the chart but many astrologers believe that they are significantly sensitive and powerful. Fundamentally they're interactive points based on midpoints and angles.


Your Chiron is at 25 degrees 23 minutes of Pisces (Rx)-right near your Saturn.

Your Vertex is at 20 degrees 38 minutes of Leo-on your Sun.

Your Part of Fortune is at 6 degrees 47 minutes of Sagg in the 11th.

Don't sweat it. Anyone who studies or practices astrology gets overwhelmed with complexity from time to time. Fortunately, clarity often follows.
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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 03:05 PM
Response to Reply #53
54. Thanks, Stella ...
Now where can I find a glossary of the terms (and what they represent) that you used in your post ?

I'm sorry I'm so dense at this but, really, at present, this is a foreign language to me.

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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 09:05 AM
Response to Reply #54
57. well,
there are several decent astrological glossaries online.
Just google "astrological glossary." I'm hesitant to recommend one over another as their levels of sophistocation vary widely so different ones may appeal to different people. . .

But here's one's interpretation for those points:

Vertex -The point found in the western section of a horoscope that indicates the intersection of the ecliptic and prime vertical, called the "third angle of a horoscope". This point and its opposite, the Anti-Vertex, are sensitive degrees in a natal horoscope associated with fate and wish fulfillment.

Part of Fortune-The Arabian Part most commonly used by western astrologers. Calculated by subtracting the Sun's position from the sum of the Ascendant's and Moon's positions, the degree occupied by the Part of Fortune symbolizes good fortune. Also called Fortuna and Pars Fortunæ.

Note: some folks somewhat superficially (IMHO) read the part of fortune as a dollar sign in the chart, yet good "fortune" is not necessary always measured by financial assets exclusively and can manifest in innumerable other ways.
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Cerridwen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 12:54 PM
Response to Original message
52. Er, help, please. I would really appreciate insight on the Chiron
placement in my natal chart.

My grasp of astrology is just enough knowledge to be dangerous. :-)

Chiron shows in my chart Retrograde, Aquarius, 1st House.

It trines Sun (Libra), Moon (Gemini), Mercury (Libra), Mars (Libra), and Jupiter (Libra).

Sextiles Saturn (Sagittarius).

Opposes Uranus (Leo).

Squares True Node and MC (Scorpio).

Erf, I don't even know where to begin given the Retrograde.

Other than to say, given the sheer number of aspects, uh, yeah, I think Chiron affects my chart and me. And it was discovered 6 days after my 20th birthday. Oh joy, oh joy.

Hopefully one of you kind folk will either take pity on me or just see this as a fun and informative exercise.


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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 11:15 PM
Response to Reply #52
55. Hi Cerridwen. I really
don;t know your chart (and don't worry about the Chiron being Retrograde) but what kind of birth did you have? Chiron opposition

Was there a worry to your parents?

Apparently something at birth or shortly after garnered you a lot of
love and care -

would you say that's accurate?
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Cerridwen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-08-04 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #55
56. Hi Pallas. I'm not sure of all the details. I'll have to get more
info from my mom; if I can get her to talk about it.

The only things I know about are these:

The nurses at the Air Force hospital didn't believe my mom she was pregnant much less in labor - my mom is 5'9" and I guess I wasn't "showing" much.

My biological father was off playing poker with the guys somewhere and couldn't be found.

The first people to see me (besides medical staff including the nurses who were finally convinced my mother was delivering) were my uncles (my mom's brothers). She was the only girl of 5; smack in the middle with 2 older and 2 younger brothers. And I was the first girl grandbaby born of the "only" girl.

I spent the first few years of my life as someone special to my mom's family if not my "dad's." My mom and "dad" were divorced a couple of years after my birth. Dad is in quotation marks because he just sort of donated sperm and wasn't around much after that.

Then begins a long story.

Did that answer your question? Sounds like you're pretty accurate in what you read. :-)

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

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autorank Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 03:22 AM
Response to Original message
60. E Gads, now it makes sense! Thnx.
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Pallas180 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 07:12 PM
Response to Reply #60
62. Hi Autorank - wanna share what makes sense??
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