Based on this Intenders sharing, will you join me in visualizing something?
Mostly we tend to think in terms of large, faceless entities when we think of TPTB and others in positions of power in our world.
They are merely human (I think so ;)).
And, as humans, they have the potential spark of divinity and the capability to feel compassion.
The CEOs of multinational corporations are human beings, military leaders are human beings, politicians are human beings. The ones who have destroyed lives and inflicted harm on Mother Earth and Her creatures are greedy, cruel and removed from their humanity.
But, they are human.
Will you join me in seeing them as merely other human beings...and see them awaken to their humanity....see their hearts becoming wide open?
We don't have to embrace their actions. We don't even have to embrace them (any more than we do family and friends who have harmed us and for which we have created boundaries for our own protection).
What we CAN do is see the potential for change; see the potential for them to awaken to the Truth of their actions.
The power lies within each one of us. They are no more powerful than we are in the grander scheme of things. Yet in the earthly roles, they have tremendous influence.
Will you join me in visualizing the opening of the heart centers of those wielding significant power on Earth right now?
If you're too angry, I understand; if you're too angry, perhaps you can focus on your own heart center and visualize it opening -- not in vulnerability, but in pure strength.