The peak day for this activity is December 13, when there is a triple conjunction of Mercury Rx, Mars, and Pluto. Message, action, and transformation come together within five minutes, from 8:09–8:13 PM (Pacific Time) at 4°41′ Capricorn. This unleashes incredible power in our lives to manifest what we most want to experience and express.
When Uranus returns to forward motion, it too unleashes blocked-up energy. Since July 5, we have been internalizing our awakening process. We’ve been aware of it, but not quite sure of what we are creating with our efforts to wake ourselves up. Uranus’ energy is predictable in its unpredictability. It brings seemingly random events that follow a progression once we can see things from inside the invisible world.
Just in case you think that’s not enough to keep you busy in December, there’s the added effect of a new Lunar Eclipse on December 21. This starts another chapter in our lives in a big way. Not only does this start a new life chapter, it starts a new theme of development. This is the first of the eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius, which will be with us through May 2013.