The original thread, dated 10/22/09, is in the archives and apparently we can't kick those to the front page of this forum.
The original post is winyanstaz's interpretation of Obama's life, based on his palm. I'm reposting it because I think the winyanstaz's impressions are even more relevant now.
Text of OP:
"...(A)nd as I palm read..I thought I would share a few things I found out. First..he is an old spirit..not ancient but old and you can tell that by how many lines he has. New spirits just have a few lines (they are in the kindergarten of life) and if you talk to a new spirit you will find they usually go nowhere..do nothing..live and die in the same place etc. You can find new spirits lines on elderly and old spirit lines on new babies..its all a matter of how many lines. Second I always look at the childhood and the fact that the two lines (life and heart) are separated from the get-go..tells of one of the parents not being there as well as Obama pretty much had to face the world a lot even as a child. The time he went out into the world on his own was an extremely stressful time for him. Something about that time made him put a lock on his emotions a great deal. There was a lot of almost prison-like control showing on the stress level side of his life line. However..from the time of his birth he has had a Spirit helper on the inner planes. He also learned to worry-wort a lot as a child but has gotten better about it as an adult. He is a sensitive..but tries to hide it. Once he makes up his mind..it is like a rail-road track..straight ahead ...however..he can also be swayed by others opinions at times. He has the Ring of Soloman..which means he has gifts for understanding the birds and the bees and the animals, etc. He could actually learn to share consciousness with them (be an animal "whisperer") but would have to spend a lot more time with them first. His head and his heart are one...they are totally connected. He has a strong life line..but slightly after the age of around 54 or even a little sooner...he will have to face a major decision and life changing one at that. If he choses one way..his life line ends shortly after..if he choses the other he will live to be an old man. This time of decision will be a time of the greatest stress in his life and this time is not far from now. He has the M in the palm..which means he has a guardian angel..someone related to him but not in the body at this time. He has a lot of gifts and talents and I found it interesting to see that those are tied up with his travel lines..which is fitting considering his job. I thought it was way cool when I discovered the mystic cross in his hand. He could be very psychic if he pays more attention to his feelings and intuitions and stops second guessing himself as much. (no he doesn't do that a lot..but he also doesn't always listen to his own little voice. Once he does..it will become much stronger.) I am sorry but the angle of his hand didn't allow me to see his love lines.. However I could see that he has a great love for beauty Although he doesn't get much time alone..he is fairly jealous of that time and enjoys it when he can get there. He has more than one luck bracelet..which means he will always land on his feet..even when it seems he shouldnt..he will. The angle of his thumb is good..not too tight fisted...not to gullible. He has the hands of a philosopher and poet/artist. He has lots of work on the physical, mental and spiritual planes that he chose for this life..and he is starting on his spiritual growth a lot in this life as well."
Text of additional post from winyanstaz with more insights:
"...(A)nd I was able to see a few more things. One thing I see is that his life was going to go one way but he turned it to another and that was at a very young age....that was interesting. If had not made that change (whatever it was) he would not be alive today. I see that there are two major love lines. This doesn't mean it isn't the same woman..just at those times there is major love in his life. Perhaps he will fall in love all over again. The second love line isn't until old age. The first love line is obviously now..and is the deepest and the longest. However it does tend to just fade out and turn downwards..the sign of a long illness. I sure hope this isnt the case. He also swallows his temper a lot. There were two major "returning to /family times" in his life during his childhood and before he left to go out into the world on his own. These lines show a very deep attachment. He has a very deep need for love and affection."