and around the time of the "election," I did a session using both pendulum (yes/no) and online tarot cards for the coming 4 years. You can see the Tarot spreads and interpretations by clicking the links. Each question is informed by the info given before it. I've learned all questions must be phrased in a literal fashion to get an accurate answer. The * equals a word that rhymes with "his ASS in." (deep kimchi) Maybe this can throw some light on the details in your Tarot spread:
1) Will John Kerry win the election? YES
2) Will John Kerry win the 2004 Presidential election (Tarot)? Picture of Presidential election day November 2, 2004 (Tarot)
Nine of Pentacles (Gain): Good luck attending material affairs. Attaining refinement and embracing elegance. Discipline and nobility applied to the maintenance of security and stability. The wise use of resources and foresight. The fulfillment that comes with accomplishment, and the turning of attention to higher things.
4) Will John Kerry as President keep America safe from Al Qaeda? NO (?)
5) Will John Kerry restore health to the American economy? YES (but as prez??)
6) Please show picture of John Kerry’s presidency (Tarot)'s+presidency&Deck=rider_waite&Reading=&Reverse=on(shows Bush in power; Democrats uniting to vote, celebrating before victory is certain, unexpected reversal and loss)
7) Will John Kerry be inaugurated President of the US? NO (?)
8) Will John Kerry be our next American President? NO
9) Will America have a new president? NO
10) Do you always answer these questions truthfully? YES
11) Will Al Qaeda attack the US before this election? NO
12) Will Osama bin Laden attack the USA within next 3 months? NO
13) Will Al Qaeda attack the United States in 2005? NO
14) Will President George Bush die in office? NO
(bad question: metaphorical “in office” literally means “in his office”)
15) Was the US 2004 Presidential election stolen? YES
16) Did Karl Rove steal the 2004 election and make Bush win? YES
17) Can Democrats destroy Karl Rove? YES
18) Will Karl Rove be indicted for election fraud? YES
19) Will Karl Rove be convicted and imprisoned for criminal activities? YES
20) Can Americans successfully get rid of George W. Bush? NO (?)
21) Will President George W. Bush be impeached? YES
22) Will George W. Bush be formally impeached? YES
23) In George W. Bush’s impeachment, will US House of Representatives vote Bush guilty? NO
24) Can Bush be *ated? YES
25) Will George W. Bush be *ated? YES
26) Will Osama bin Laden *ate George Bush? NO
27) Is George Bush’s future * an American? NO
28) Is George Bush’s future * an Arab? NO (?)
29) Is George Bush’s future * a Korean? NO (?)
(sudden image and map came to me, though next question appears illogical)
30) Is George Bush’s future * an Israeli? YES
31) Who exactly will *ate George Bush? (Tarot)
The card represents the critical factor for the issue at hand. Eight of Pentacles (Prudence): Dedicating yourself fully to a task. Learning a new craft or skill. Applying painstaking attention to detail. Industriousness and the efficient completion of tasks. Sticking with a project long enough to see it through.
32. Is the * training right now to kill Bush? NO
(faulty question; means literally “at this moment”)
33. Is Bush’s future * connected with Mossad? NO
34. Is Bush’s future * an Israeli foreign exchange student? NO
35. Is Bush’s future * a lone gunman? YES
36) Will Bush be *ated in Washington, D.C.? YES
37) Why does the Israeli want to *ate George W. Bush? Will Dick Cheney be the next US president? YES
39) Did Dick Cheney know before the 2004 election that Karl Rove would steal it for Bush? YES
40) Did Dick Cheney consent beforehand to Karl Rove’s theft of the 2004 election? NO
41) Did Karl Rove steal the 2004 Democratic presidential primary election from Howard Dean YES
42) Did Karl Rove fix the 2004 Democratic presidential primary results to make John Kerry win? NO
(ie, Rove sabotaged Dean but didn't control who else got the nomination)
43) Does Karl Rove control what the media says about George W. Bush’s political rivals? NO
44) How did Karl Rove steal the Democratic presidential primary election from Howard Dean? (Tarot)
Four of Pentacles (Power), when reversed: Using your power freely for your own enjoyment and the betterment of others. Coming to grips with progress and using your position to help it along. Finding security and identity someplace other than in the possession of material things. Letting go and encouraging others to find their own path. Being magnanimous and generous with your success.
(There was more but I can't find the extended file at this moment. Basically it said that both Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama would be U.S. president at some time. Howard Dean would not.)