I have been going through training for a new job over the past six weeks, with the goal of teaching classes in world religion. This is what I spent the past 10 years of my life going to school for -- it's what I wanted to do. When the economy crashed in the fall of '08, I feared my goal was lost. No one is hiring at the public colleges and universities here in California, especially in my field. But this has come to pass not in a way I expected (but that usually seems to be the case for me... when my goal manifests, it is rarely in the exact manner I had believed it would). This will be at a 'for-profit' university, which would not be my first choice. I am, however, accepting that this is ALL I have been able to find (I couldn't even get freakin' Target to hire me as Christmas help!), and I desperately NEED a job. I am taking the view that perhaps I will be able to do some good here for people who might otherwise not be able to learn the things I can teach in such an environment. And I will give them quality. It is my hope that it will be for the best for all concerned. The final 'class' I had to attend in order to be hired for this job was on December 10th.
I felt a sense of relief but it was short-lived. Cody, my dear canine companion for the past 18 years, decided two days later that he no longer wanted to eat. He seemed fine except for that, and in consultation with my vet, Jill (a wonderful holistic vet), we decided to wait and see, since he has done things like this before. At his age, we were both expecting this might be the last time, but we wanted this to be on his terms, not ours. The vet's office always frightened him, and he'd had pain and difficulty standing and walking due to his arthritic hips for several years. We decided not to put him through all of that unless absolutely necessary. We did not realize how serious the situation was until late Wednesday, after office hours.
The worst for me came on Thursday morning. Cody passed away that morning after suffering through the entire night when all I could do was hold him and try to comfort him as best I could. I was, and still am, devastated by this. He was an old soul and a true soul mate. My heart is ripped to shreds by his passing and especially by the traumatic way in which he passed, but as my husband and a friend helped me to see on Sunday afternoon, he was a warrior and through his deep love and with his great heart he fought to the very end to protect me as best he could. I begged him to let me take part of his pain for him, but I heard a roaring NO! in my mind from him, and at one point, he even pushed me away with his paw when I asked. Perhaps he was trying to tell me that this was HIS journey alone, and not one he could share with me. I have been wracked with pain and guilt over not being able to take some of the pain from him (I am an empath, and it should have been easy to take at least a part of it, but I was blocked). But I have found some comfort in the thought that this was his choice. And I can and will respect that.
So that was the bad. The very, very bad that has left me feeling empty and exhausted. And incredibly sad.
Monday, I faced the task of having to complete a mountain of paperwork for Human Resources for my new job -- things that had to be printed out, read, filled out, signed (a couple even had to be notarized) and faxed back to them. I was forced to try to set aside my grief for a few hours to try to complete all of this. A part of my thinking was that I have wondered if Cody was holding back, if he was feeling bad, but knew that I was under a huge amount of stress while I was attending the training sessions for this job (these were actually weekly 4-hour evening CLASSES with homework, and if you didn't pass any one of them you weren't going to be hired), and wanted to wait until he could feel me relax. I say this because this seemed to be the way it happened. Once he felt me relax, he began to let go. I felt in my heart that if I somehow messed this up, if I allowed my grief to consume me to the point that I was unable to complete this part of the journey toward a new job, then I would be disrespecting everything he tried to do to hold it all together for me as long as he could. (Had he passed before I had completed this training, there would have been NO WAY I could have done it. Just no way...)
I did manage to remember the eclipse last night right at the crucial moment (thanks to threads I happened across here at ASAH), and was able to view it for maybe 15-20 minutes during its peak in a circle of clear starry skies before the clouds covered the moon from my view once more. It was a very powerful experience that I posted about on another thread here afterward.
Tonight, I was finally able to talk with my vet again about what had happened with Cody. She knew he was gone, but we hadn't been able to find time to talk about it until tonight. For some reason, she was able to make me feel lighter. After speaking with her, I felt as if a part of the burden I'd been carrying was lifted. She assured me that I did nothing wrong, that I listened to him and took my cues from him, that I allowed his death to be his own, on HIS terms, HIS way, and that this was the most respectful thing I could have done. I am feeling more at peace tonight, more accepting.
So, in answer to this question I see being asked here (and on several different threads here tonight), I am not sure how I am doing. What I AM sure of is that this has been a period of HUGE shifts for me. A transitional period I will not soon forget. And I truly hope that, for me, there is not more building in the wings. I don't know if I can take much more. I am being buffeted by winds of change that are swift and terrible yet come bearing gifts. It is a strange feeling.
And I still have a birthday to make it through on Monday -- my own, my birthday. If anyone out there reading this (did anyone even make it this far? if so, I thank you!) is getting anything, whether astrologically, psychically, or by any other means, please tell me. I need to know. I feel like I'm in limbo. Definitely a bit more at peace than I have been since Cody passed beyond the veil, but I am still wary of what is next in this cycle of events.