This is from a blog I follow from my friend in New Zealand. This is entitled Let go like the lantern .. : 26th, 2010
Hello our dear friends. It is so good for us to connect with you and talk about a place or an energy of your current reality. This is an important message, but then we say that about everything. Don’t we? Well this one is indeed an important message, but importance is always dependent upon perfect timing. And now is the most perfect time.
Inside your reality right now many people, beings are experiencing a realization that they are participating in a particular pattern that has repeated over and over again in their lives. You are becoming acutely aware of this pattern and are having extreme experiences of it repeating in your life. Realization is occurring with almost everyone that this repeating energy circuit has been happening for as long as you can remember, and you are wanting to break free of this pattern. Let us give you some examples. It may be a health situation like allergies or headaches. It could be a self-defeating behavior or a feeling of unworthiness or of being a victim. You may be feeling a cycle or grief, worry, doubt and fear. Or it could be an experience of physical loss of money or loved ones. It could be absolutely anything, but what you are recognizing is that this same pattern is repeating more dramatically in your life. It is so dramatized now that it is hard to not recognize it and know exactly how it will play out, how long it will be present and when it will pass.
Each time it occurs, it seems to be getting more pronounced and more painful. You ask yourself, why do I keep repeating this cycle, and how do I move on and transcend it once and for all. You examine your thoughts, your feelings, the external factors and analyze everything looking for a reason and an understanding of why this cycle continues to occur. Sometimes you feel that you have the answer, and then the cycle begins to subside and you get back to your normal rhythm of life. You are tired and hopeful that it is over once and for all.
Does this sound or feel familiar? It should. This program was seeded into each an every human being on this planet. You chose to accept this program, and it is embedded in your cellular memory. It is surprising that you would choose this program, isn’t it? Well, the program has run its course. You are now understanding that it is time to break free of this program that we are calling “Humanity’s Fail Safe.” We have chosen to call it this because fail safes are created to ensure that there is something “safe” to fall back on when a system fails. We can hear you asking how repeating the same self-defeating behavior over and over is safe. Well, we would like you to know that you feel this when it seems that you know what is going to happen. There is safety in knowing what to expect. You are creatures of habit. This is one habit that has been buried in the cellular memory of all humans.
There are two steps to transcending this belief and erasing the program. One, let go of it, and two, cease analyzing why it happens and attempting to gain an understanding of it. The act of dissecting your feeling and attempting to gain an understanding of why you feel the way you do and gaining access to the root cause does not matter. This behavior is what is causing you to continue to run the program. The more you want to understand, the more the program is charged and runs. It is as if you are recharging the program. The only way to truly unplug the program and erase it is to remove all energy from it so that it can no longer have power to run.
We will briefly remind you about the law of attraction. Simply stated, it is that to which you give your focus expands. So, focusing on the repeating pattern will cause the pattern to become more pronounced. Make sense? You must simply accept that the “Fail Safe” program exists and CHOOSE to allow it to end, drain of energy and erase. You can do it. We know you can!
Why is this so important? Because this is the program that is keeping humanity from raising its vibration and ascending into the next level of consciousness. By going inside and allowing your true radiant being to shine through, you are raising your own frequency and vibration and also raising the frequency and vibration of Mother Earth. What happens in the microcosm also happens in the macrocosm. When you allow yourself to let go of the limiting beliefs and programs you are also helping Mother Earth and the Beings around you to do the same. Let us restate this because we want you to understand how KEY this point is. By going inside yourself and allowing yourself to be set free of the embedded programs or fail safe, you will assist others to do the same. Yes, this is all it takes. You do not need to fight a war, join a cause, declassify government secrets, tear down secret societies, etc. etc. We could go on and on, but we know that you understand. What you focus on expands. So focus on something that really counts. Focus on letting go of the embedded programs and limiting beliefs of yourself. When you break free, it will cause an energetic catalyst that helps and assists others to break free. Just the energy of “ONE PERSON” letting go can fuel 1000 others. Yes this is true! Now imagine what that could mean to yourself, others, and the planet.
Stop trying to change others (people, systems, governments, organizations, policies, procedures, etc) and focus on the one person you can change. YOU! You have the ability to go inside your own self, your heart center, and change the program. The only thing you need to do is CHOOSE to do so. You can stop fighting yourself and choose to let go, let go of the fail safe belief pattern. We can promise you that it is SAFE to do so!
We love and honor you and thank you for giving this opportunity to connect with you and share our energy.