was a discussion about addiction and how every addict the interviewee knows was abused in childhood in some way.
I disagree with that so strongly. I know of two family members specifically -- younger than me -- who were definitely not abused in any way. If anything, they were coddled. They don't claim abuse nor has my investigation of same turned up any sort of abuse whatsoever (these relationships challenged my sense of compassion and led me to set very strong boundaries; it was very valuable to me).
It's my very strong opinion, based on 35+ years of observation of these specific people, that they simply have very manipulative -- even "con artist" -- personalities, that have nothing to do with abuse. They were this way even as young children. I think genetics are involved in some way, beyond the addiction aspect. (The biological father, with whom they had no contact throughout their lives, was this way.)
So, right off the bat I dispute the claim that all addicts are addicts because of abuse.
I'm going to need to find the article you speak of, rather than the interview/discussion.
Hey, Callie, just remember that we've all done our best and some things are out of our control; and, it's also never too late for us to keep doing better as parents, to the best of our ability, imho. I don't buy into that "blame the mom" meme.
:hug: :hug: :hug: