My mom has spent the past week in the hospital for depression, an issue that should have been addressed YEARS ago but came to a head after Dad passed away this summer. We are moving her into assisted living (a very nice place) as soon as possible. She will leave the small town she has spent 74 years in. My sister and I will be, in essence, saying goodbye and cutting the cord to our physical beginnings, the town, the house we grew up in, it all seems very strange. It is for the best because Mom will be closer to us (just a few miles from me and only an hour from my sister), she will also be in the vicinity of good doctors and hospitals, which are in short supply in eastern, Kentucky.
This is weird and like a waking dream in some way. I have had a couple of dreams about my Dad, in both he was in a fancy new house and my Mom wasn't there. In the latest one I was visiting him and someone was trying to break in during the middle of the night and Dad and I were running from place to place in the house trying to see where the intruders were coming in. This dream was just a few nights ago and though I don't know the meaning I can't help but think it has something to do with the situation with Mom.
My mother is not all there, sad to say, never has been emotionally. It isn't her fault, she was raised in a very abusive home. Her negativity is so extreme that I have serious trouble spending much time with her. Saying these things makes me feel like I am being bad, but bless her heart she is an emotional vampire and she knows no other way. Once my Dad passed she lost the person whose emotions she drew on to keep her remotely stable within the real world. Neither my sister nor I can serve that role for her, she will be at least somewhat disappointed in this move for that reason. If she looks to anyone first to fill that bill it will be me, as I am oldest and will be closest, and most of all have been less honest with her for many years (trying to be GOOD). We will do what we must to help her and give her a chance at life. She says she wants this, but I am not sure she will want to put forth any effort to not be a hermit and not look to family to meet all her emotional needs (which we can't do and survive mentally, we discovered that at a young age). I still have that fantasy of a mother that is capable of sharing interests with me, I know I need to take her as she is. I will do what I can and pray I am strong enough to let go of the rest. She has a path the same as all of use and has to walk hers as well.
Thanks for letting me stream of conscious this here.