This is a message from Dakota Star Altar Keeper Chief Golden Eagle. <><><><> Chief Golden Eagle calls all Ikce Wicasa, medicine men-women, people of all nations, all nations of black, red, yellow and white, all nations of color and heart, to spend a moment on 1-11-11 at 11:11 am and 11:11 pm, to pray for the Nations of Mother Earth to Wake Up! The AIR is polluted, the bird nations have spoken with their lives. They have given of themselves to remind humanity that our AIR is contaminated. The WATER is polluted and the ones that swim have spoken with their lives. They have also given of themselves to remind humanity that our WATER is contaminated. The FIRE has been abused by man. Atom has been split, atom bomb, hydrogen, bomb, many others beyond the mind of heart. The Earth is being shaken by the toys of man, yes mother earth smiles, but she also can correct a child, just as two-legs correct their children. Take heed people, karma follows every action, every word and every thought. Karma follows all those that allow atrocities to fall out of the natural rhythm of the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator, Universal Mother and of Creation. The sisters, the children and Mother Earth may soon speak their message through the word of the land. Allow our hearts to be as ONENESS on 1-11-11, through this Law of Attraction, of Light, Sound and Vibration we can and will succeed. Plant the seed of Peace, Love, Respect, Harmony, Honor, Healing and Truth. EARTH, AIR, WIND, WATER. The nations of peace have arrived, and as Patriots of Light, we must light their path through our actions of love. Therefore, understand, O Peoples, that the Healing Prayers and Powers are indeed flowing through your forms even now. And through these prayers and powers - the Thirteen Rainbow Powers of the Sacred tree of Life - you may send Love and Healing to all of your Relations in any time, in any place, in any dimension of life. The Creator does bestow the responsibility upon the Peoples again. For the Two-Legged is the steward and guardian of the Earth and is responsible for the Kingdoms of Life to be in balance and in health. This is a health which transcends your physical dimensions and dost reach unto the Stars: for every plant has its Star Clan; every Stone has its Stellar home; every Animal is a consciousness from Elsewhere; and every Two-Legged indeed is Starry born. PRAY FOR THE WATER. PRAY FOR THE AIR. PRAY FOR THE FIRE. PRAY FOR THE EARTH STOP POISONING OUR WATER! STOP POISONING OUR AIR! STOP POISONING OUR FIRE! STOP POISONING OUR EARTH! Mitakuye Oyasin Chief Golden Light Eagle