more: 11, 2011
The Danger of Absolute Truth
Jupiter, the largest true planet, is the astrological symbol of good luck. Its expansive and optimistic nature represents generosity and wisdom. However, every front has its back, so that even the “Greater Benefic” Jupiter has its dark side. This negative trait is a sense of righteousness and absolute belief in one’s truths that allows no room for discussion or compromise. Right now the giant planet is in the latter part of Pisces, one of its home signs. Ideally, this symbolizes spirituality and compassion, opening metaphysical channels of awareness that are not easy to put into words. But last week Jupiter made its third and final conjunction to innovative and unconventional Uranus, which can suddenly open minds to release genius or unleash violence. Unfortunately, the latter was evident in Arizona when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire.
Astrologers have already begun poring over his birth chart. Loughner was born September 10, 1988 (time and place unknown). But it doesn’t take an expert to understand that he is a seriously disturbed young man. But as with every major story there is more than one center to this event. Loughlin’s center is his own madness, a personal tale that exists beyond the limits of his own chart. Obviously, whatever we find there that can be interpreted as violent tendencies exists in the charts of many others who have not fallen prey to these destructive instincts. There is, though, a cultural center reflecting these times that is tied to Loughlin’s chart. He was born with a close conjunction of controlling Saturn and rebellious Uranus in the morally righteous sign of Sagittarius.