just glanced at it, but I am thrilled that you posted your reality. Please don't be afraid of 2012, there really is nothing to fear, and that gives me a great opportunity to post here the things that I have learned over my 20+ years of study. Am I right? I don't know, and I guess it really doesn't matter, but this is the what I have learned and believe at my soul level.
First of all - acopolypse means "the revealing". All truth will finally be revealed to us - all that has been hidden. And in a way - I can see that happening now with Wikileaks, the History Channel (has been blowing my mind) and the Jesse Ventura show (which they now have taken off the air) but he was able to expose a GREAL DEAL of information before they shut him down.
The other thing is that actually - we are all ALREADY okay and all is well. We cannot be harmed. Our higher selves are already in paradise and we're just making movies - living our lives (all of them simultaneously) in order to learn and grow.
The Creator realized his creation was bored - we weren't perfecting our souls or challenging ourselves and we weren't really learning or growing, so the collective decided to set up this dark/light scenario to challenge ourselves. All we are doing is playing a game - its not real, death is not real, and we've been playing this game on planet Earth for the past umpteen years and every 26,000 years the cycles end (Atlantis, disappearance of dinasours, etc.) and then we make another huge leap in consciousness. We are living in 3D, which is pretty much a prison planet. We will be going into 4d/5d at the end of this cycle in 2012 - where we will not be slaves to our jobs or money, or anything else. We will arrive in a completely different environment - where there is peace and unity and we all work for the betterment of each other. We KNOW that we are all really one. Personally, I'm looking very forward to that environment. I read on this forum so many times of people saying "beam me up", "I don't belong here", etc., etc. And really we don't. The energy here is so heavy for us. Most souls that have chosen to incarnate on planet Earth at this time knew at a soul level that we would be the ones to usher in the new era, we chose to go through all this. I've heard variations of this - that many were chosen, but few agreed to come. Even the dark entities are playing their roles, no doubt unknowingly, to challenge us to break free and learn and feel our truth.
The key to all of his is - and what will be the deciding factor - is - are we service to others, or service to self. There are soo many people in need - are we helping them, or being selfish? Has material gain been our only motivation? To me it is easy to see who will ascend and who will not. Obviously not the Wall Street types who robbed us, or the insurance executives, etc., etc. Those whose main ambition in this life was to accumulate as much wealth as possible will suffer the consequences of that - but, they get to come back and do it all over again until their souls get it right and move forward. But God knows - and he certainly did make it easy for us - because all we see is people in need. Soooo many in need its just absolutely heartbreaking - but if we realize that these people came and chose that path in order to move us spiritually higher, to give as much as ourselves as we could, to help and to care - we could never say in the end that opportunity was never given to us, because it is everywhere.
We were seeded her by an alien race and allowed to play the game - which we have, and which the dark has been allowed to reak havoc on us, but that will end here and no doubt start over somewhere else on another planet.
Its early and I no doubt have not made myself very clear, but anyway, that is the "gist" of it. We are all fine, and we'll always be fine. This world is only an illusion that we have created and that is why our thoughts are soooo powerful - what we think, we create. Fear is the exact opposite of love - always choose love, and in the end, really, that's all that matters. That's it. How much did we love, and I'm absolutely blown away that Obama said that recently. And I know that to be true, as I watched a woman I cared deeply for die (she had alzheimer's) and an hour or so before she died - she woke up briefly and looked at me and said - oh my gosh - all there is is love - that's all.
So take that for what's it worth.