this week's Starcodes dovetail with the discussion here. I'd love to see others' thoughts on her analysis of the new sign. Zodiac (why western astrologers do not use Ophiuchus) revised. (below Starcodes)}
Starcodes Jan 14 2011 Heather Roan Robbins
Wake up, the sweeping changes of history will paint with broad brush strokes this year.. We felt it begin last week as Mercury squared electrical Uranus, and will feel it expand this week as Mercury conjuncts Pluto while Mars and the Sun sextile Uranus and enter communal Aquarius.
Starting last week, people will want to change things because they have been bothering them for a long time. Or because they feel stuck. Or just because. Larger political and social movements stir across the country and around the globe, most of them will not kick into high gear yet, but we can see the swirls in consciousness. Maybe we won’t want to change, but it’s creeping towards us anyway; just hang on; it’s going to be an exciting year in this era-changing 2008-2015.
Over the next few years Uranus moves into a tighter square with Pluto, both in proactive cardinal signs and so we expect the world to move and shake, but even now they are close enough so that when other transiting planets form hard aspects to one, they hit the other soon after and build up a rhythm. Last week Mercury squared Uranus, an aspect that can be exciting and mind changing on a good day, but unsettling and unnerving on a bad day, troubling the frayed edges of the psyche and bringing unsettling or shocking information. This aspect was exact the day Congresswoman Gifford was shot in Tucson.
This week Mercury conjuncts Pluto and takes us deeper. Pluto is a heavy hitter and wants us to transform. As with any aspect we have a range of ways to feel and act this out. Mercury conjunct Pluto can just deepen our thinking, help us look at what matters in the face of life’s’ real issues. Being faced with a Plutonic life and death issues can change our minds and change how we communicate.
snip to the bottom of the article re:
The wobble spoken of in this new theory of 13 signs is nothing new- our solar system is changing in relationship to the galactic center in a constant even process. Yes astrologers have been watching it and taking it into consideration, but it is just part of a flow of grand cycles, and not a sudden event. The fact that we are becoming aware of this new archetype of Ophiuchus-- the snake-wrestling Aesclepius (I had a book that proposed it a few decades ago) is not bad- healing is always a good thing- but most western astrologers do not define the zodiac in a way that makes it valid or necessary to change the zodiac itself.
may this week be loving, inspirational and fruitful for all.