There's a Fox News story posted in LBN about how a large percentage of those polled felt that prayer helped in her recovery (here's the story link:
Now, I've been wondering about this lately, too. She's been the recipient of untold millions of people sending her good energy to get better, be that in the form of prayer, energy healing, good vibes and so on. To me, it's bound to have some kind of positive effect, be that in the form of the medical professionals always making the right decisions, doing just the right amount of other help and so forth. Her science-based-medical doctor has called her recovery "miraculous", and yet... and yet, this is to be mocked and laughed at on DU.
I really don't get the quite literal
need to deny the positive here, to automatically look down on something that may be doing something good, just because of a personal disbelief in it. That posting in LBN became an instant R/T or GD dogpile, so I'd suggest steering clear of it.
And now she's being moved to Houston, my home town, and one of the best medical centers in the world, the Texas Medical Center. I expect that the energy from the prayers and more will be following her for a time, and I have to really wonder what kind of effect that has not only on her, but those around her, including medical staff. It's an interesting subject, and I'm curious what y'all think about it all :)