week week’s Mercury Pluto conjunction wanted us to take a thoughtful reconsideration of our purpose, look deeper at some conundrum in our life or reassess how we communicated. This week we need to take that new understanding and put it into action as the Sun conjuncts action-packed Mars.
Mars wants action and doesn’t care about thoughtfulness. It’s like a car engine, it powers the car but we have to provide the driving skills. This week it conjuncts the Sun just as Jupiter enters Mars-ruled Aries and gets the spring revolutionary energy started early, it is freedom loving, authentic and spontaneous energy that wants the unvarnished truth.
Jupiter enters Aries for one year every 12 years; it begins a cycle of renewal, expansion, independence and a call for freedom, even if it costs us. It feeds our inner adolescent big time. History heats up and restless contingents tend to take action first, negotiate second, and this will speed up as Uranus enters Aries on March 13th. Freedom is a tricky thing, sometimes the person who lost an election or does not get a job is one with Jupiter transits; they get free time. We have to be careful what we ask for here. To see how it affects us personally we can think back to April 1975-76, March 1987-88, and March 1999-2000 and look for where we expanded our horizons or created an opportunity.
Of course, if you have five people in a room who want action, chances are they all want something different, and end up just bumping heads. To use this Jupiter in Aries, and this Sun-Mars conjunction in communal Aquarius, we’ll have to pull together, take an idea and make it so. A family can pull together to change their home, a team at work can create new systems, Tunisia can create a new government. Although these aspect can get the party started on more sweeping international changes, our revolutions can be small and personal, and in our daily life. They just have to make a difference.
daily codes and an article about the 13th sign.
:hug: Have a wonderful week! :hi: