Starcodes Jan 28 2011 Heather Roan RobbinsStarcodes Jan 28 2011 Heather Roan Robbins:
An era of unrest approaches in the months ahead and we get the warning tremors and first earthquakes now. Last week freedom-loving Jupiter entered brash Aries and pulled a cork out of the bottle, it is now releasing all sorts of stuck energy, and this genie will not be put back in the bottle.
Unrest can be productive, so let’s get really creative about how we sue this energy. In parts of the work that have been under great pressure, where the Aires-self-expression force has been long suppressed, we will see a bounding geyser of rebellion erupt, it may be put down temporarily, but will continue to erupt until change unfolds over the next three years, as Uranus enters Aries in March and squares Pluto, on and off, for three years.
Where the energy is already flowing freely, we’ll only see a little change, a whiff of new honesty, more energy for authentic work, less cooperation for somebody else’s ideas. Where there are little glitches, pockets of suppression or clots of feelings, they will begin to uncork; after small propulsions, the feelings can settle back into a new flow, like champagne. But they are not going back into the bottle; just ok will not cut it any longer. For the next few months, and beginning last week, momentum builds more quickly, great projects get ready to take off and tense situations can explode with very little lead time. Our challenge is to get the flow moving freely with as little explosion and as much mutual compassion as possible.
This week we can be particularly recalcitrant. Opinions, we’re full of them this week as the Sun conjuncts Mars in Aquarius. We think we stand on our principles, stand for what we believe, but may stand in our pride instead. While the gift of Aquarius is humanitarian concern, its shadow side is the center of our ego.
These opinions can spark trouble as Mars and the Sun also form a minor but intensely irritating semi-square to electrical Uranus.
Here's more and Heather's Daily Codes. stream of thought:
During the 11th Hour, the Elders advised...when the river comes, don't hold on to the branches on the shore, you'll be beaten to death on the rocks. Let go and let the river take you. THe river knows where it is going and all you have to do is keep your head above the water and follow the flow. The River is here and it's the clock is striking 12.
The difference between excitement and fear is the breath. When you are afraid, you tend to hold your breath...let it out and feel the excitement.