This article neatly sums up virtually everything I've been sensing about the forthcoming Rabbit Year (2/3/11-1/22/12.) Namely, that despite the popular perception of Years of the Rabbit as times of kindness and diplomacy, we're in for...less of that actually. Even less of that than we got in the Year of the Tiger, which is saying something.
Strangely, I found this in WashPo. The astrologers they interviewed managed to hit every single last big development I've been feeling for the next twelve months, including harsh times for Obama and the impending dissolution of the Jolie-Pitt marriage. article is a great read, but I want to mention a couple of other things I've noticed about Years of the Rabbit since I started learning about Chinese astrology in '03.
One, Rabbit years can be years of major transformation. Big moves, career shifts and relationship changes (both endings and beginnings) are likely now. Second, Rabbit years require attentiveness to our survival, especially with regard to our physical safety. I've noticed that the energy of a Rabbit year can be tricky and unstable, and though Rabbit years are known for being more diplomatic, there are years in which major diplomacy screw ups can occur as well. The accidental U.S. bombing of Chinese embassies back in '99 comes to mind, as does the fall of Saigon.
Another note about survival--from what I've seen, a Rabbit year may have challenges, but it's important for us to take heed of the gifts it brings us, as I believe them to be the kind that are essential to our survival for the rest of the twelve year cycle. I know that the gifts I received in the spring and summer of 1999 were critical to my survival from there on out. So be attentive.
The other thing I want to mention should come with the caveats that it is in no way health advice, and that I am a big believer in free will and our ability to use it to trump astrological currents. IMO, Years of the Rabbit come along with increased fertility for many people. While I don't believe the energy is going to magically make anyone pregnant, I've already seen several incidents of enhanced fertility manifest in my own life, and couldn't help but notice an explosion of celebrity pregnancy announcements last month. I hope that anyone who isn't interested in starting or expanding a family this year will take extra care with the family planning stuff. But on the bright side, those of you who are trying to conceive or hoping for new grandkids, could be pleasantly surprised.
I wish I had a better feeling about how it's all going to go. At least we have our group here (for now.) Good luck, everyone.