stuff to look forward to. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
9. Multinational corporations that have been controlling governments must be legally restrained, their lobbying tactics ended and tax loopholes closed. National debts incurred by devious means—takeovers of resources by foreign capitalists and foreign aid monies going to the elite instead of building or rebuilding the country’s infrastructure—will be nullified when men and women with spiritual and moral integrity are in power, and an infusion of funds and other assistance will end bare subsistence living circumstances. A fair basis for taxing individuals and businesses must be instituted along with returning refugees to their countries, providing housing for the homeless and remedying the property foreclosure situation.
10. Employment opportunities must be created and financed so job-searchers can return to work in their fields or be trained for other trades or professions, and remuneration for goods, services, skills and other abilities must be equitable. All children and adults must have access to schooling, instruction must reflect universal truths, post-high school education must be affordable, and instruction in all areas of the arts must be available for motivated students.
11. Agriculture must be in accordance with Nature, treatment of food animals humane, and nutritious food in abundance for every soul on the planet. Free energy sources must be implemented and the use of fossil fuels ended, and proper health care must become the right of all peoples. Legal, judicial and penal systems must be reformed, injustices corrected, all types of slave trade ended, and women honored instead of relegated to possessions. The control of media must cease; so must the drug and pornography industries, all types of pollution, and environmental destruction.