I already mentioned leaving my body repeatedly, only hovering several feet above my body and then twisting sideways. Then came the energy ball I was creating during sleep although I have never been taught how to do that...(oh and thanks for the information on what to do with it).
Then last night was my flying lessons but they were more than that since I have always flown in my dreams. I awoke knowing it was a lesson and I was supposed to remember something....ah, so much for my memory!
About the same time this started, I was working on helping Janus and was doing quite a bit of visualization work. Maybe coincidental, or maybe it was just doing more metaphysical work as I drifted off to sleep.
The thought even struck me that perhaps I myself am getting ready to cross over and these are "pre-lessons".
Whatever they are, they have me flummoxed, and since the one thing I like to do is to help others (it helps me to keep my mind off my own issues and is rewarding to me on a spiritual level), I wonder if anyone has any tips.
I sometimes encircle the planet with love, I know it sounds kind of pie in the sky, but it can't hurt, right?
If anyone wishes to give me some insight as to why my dream life has turned into a classroom and what I might do to manifest it in the physical, I would appreciate it.
At this point, I might entertain joining a coven.
Thank you all for your love and support.... Digit :loveya: