Interesting information for those who believe “Thought are Things”
In The set Audio C.D’s Space Sounds recordings I bought from NASA of
Space Sound Recordings Of the Voyager 1&2 Has the distinct and clear sounds of Monks chanting along with these other sounds of Life on planet earth that you can hear from outer space.
This is a quote from one of the NASA scientist comments on the recording Of Earth.
“As I listened to EARTH for the first time, I was amazed to hear primordial sounds that reminded me of dolphins and whales speaking, singing, and perhaps communicating. But these weren’t real dolphins and whales; these were frequency vibrations from the interaction of the Solar Wind with the magnetosphere of our planet.
What if, I thought, in the ancient ages the dolphins and whales sensed these frequency vibrations, began to resonate them and these resonated sounds became the voices of dolphins and whales? I was captivated by the implications. Then the whirling sounds began.
The activity became more involved, then became calm again. Were those birds I heard? Sounds like birds to me. The ocean roars, sonic sounds. Even choirs of…? (you tell me) I’d recognize this planet anywhere. It’s alive! “
I personally think after hearing these recordings that they are in fact The real Dolphinn,whales,birds and Monks in real time on planet earth.
Here are Earths stats.
Mass (kg)…98X10^24
Mean density (kg/m^3)…5520
Escape velocity (m/sec)…11200
Obliquity (tilt of axis) (degrees)…23.4
Orbit inclination (degrees)…0
Orbit eccentricity…0.017
Visual geometric albedo…0.39
Mean surface temperature (K)…281
Maximum surface temperature (K)…310
Highest point on surface…Mount Everest (over 8 km above sea-level)
Atmospheric components...78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon
Average distance from Sun (AU)...1
Rotation period (length of day) (in Earth hours)…23.93
Rotation period (length of year) (in Earth days)…365.26)…310
Here is a recording of Earth from The University of Iowa
Please scroll down and click on “Magnetosphere/Cusp” and listen
You can clearly hear Human voices in the Radio waves. waves are Electrical magnetic waves.
Thoughts produce Electrical magnetic waves …..
See where I’m going with this……..Do you see the FULL implications????
Just one of the implications is this post today on the D.U by n2doc in the name of just being Interesting Here is a ten minute recording of Jupiter
You decide what that chanting like sound is that starts up a little before 6:40 through 7:25 on the recording. BTW listening to these sounds at a fairly loud volume actually pedal out your Heart chakra.