Rick DiClemente’s
Astrology Newsletter
Volume 62, March 2011
The Revolution We’ve Been Talking About is Here to Stay
The revolution being caused by Uranus and Jupiter in Aries has been working in stages. You can see its effects all around the world. In order to understand it, you need to know a few things first:
Since 1/25/08, Pluto (P) has been greatly affecting Capricorn, the sign opposite, Cancer, and the two signs at right-angles (square) Libra and Aries. It has mirrored the great downfall of so many of our economic and governmental institutions. I have written ad nauseum about this for 3 years. It provides THE BACKGROUND of this whole story. Simply understanding what Jupiter and Uranus are doing in Aries is not enough. We have to understand this prima fascia case; Pluto is the underlying reason these changes we’re facing are so grave. Pluto doesn’t mess around. Yes, the Uranus (U) and Jupiter (J) entrance in Aries this past year is quite a revolutionary symbol enough, but against the backdrop of Pluto in Capricorn, this brings on change on a monumental level. Enough to break the backs of countries, enough to break governments and enough to break economic systems, and the banks.
Briefly, Pluto has been severe because it’s been in the most severe SIGN of the zodiac: Capricorn. Pluto and Capricorn both work to make everyone accountable for their actions unlike when it was in Sagittarius from 1995-2008 when we could just keep borrowing and passing the buck- here, have another credit card. The buck stops in Capricorn. The bills became due. Familiar?
So, for 3 years, Pluto traveled back and forth over the first 7 degrees of Capricorn, affecting also those same degrees in Cancer, Aries, and Libra. THIS SETS UP A FORCE-FIELD, a severely tense, worked-over area that has certainly been the sore spot in EVERYONE’S chart in those areas. If you have natal planets there, all the more reason that things have been heavily under the microscope for you. We’re all being affected by this. What does Pluto do in a few words? It lifts our rug up and shows all the dirt we’ve been hiding under it. At best, it’s a vain attempt to try to hide the dirt once again. Many people have been reacting very well to this impulse, known as, cleaning up one’s act. One’s that haven’t addressed and owned their own courage have fallen short and have been facing grave outcomes and unbelievable hardship.
So, Pluto will carry on till 2023 including opposing the USA’s Venus at 2° Cancer right now (economic collapse) and the USA’s Sun later on in 2014 (identity crisis and uprising from our “enemies”). Don’t be nation-centric, this Uranus in Aries is happening EVERYWHERE on earth right now.
During the same time Pluto was doing his thing, Saturn (S) in Libra has spent quite a time of it in a knock-down-drag-out-fight with Uranus (in late Pisces and approaching Aries.) Exactly opposite on the day of the Presidential Election, Uranus has been representing the left-wing or liberal (fighting for change) while Saturn has been fighting for all things right-wing or conservative (resisting change.) This sure added greater tension to the entire national and international dialogue. Their exact opposition finally broke up last year and has eased somewhat, but not much.
Needless to say, on the diagram above, where P and S and U are have been under great amounts of stress. It should be noted very clearly here:
The planets are not here to cause you or anyone a hard time. That is not their function. They are symbolizing important turning points in our lives, yes. But, it must be stated for the facts that many of my clients have been handling these important transits just fine with little stress. And, it’s not because they are LUCKY or have “GOOD CHARTS.” It’s because they’ve been responsible and have responded to the things they need to do in the world as well as to their own needs. Most people have not been so balanced, however.
So while Pluto was acting up in Capricorn, opposing all early planets in Cancer, squaring all planets in early Aries and Libra; Uranus was opposing Saturn; Uranus was squaring Pluto, Uranus was squaring Jupiter; etc. etc. etc. One big bundle of tension and change kept building. Each planet with its own voice and temperament. This is WHY things have been up, down, sideways, tense, relaxed and nutso all at the same time for the past few years.
Now, here come Uranus and Jupiter. Whoopee.<snip>
To read the rest of the newsletter, go to: www.starself.com/newsletter62.html