"At the upcoming March 4 Pisces New Moon (12:46 p.m. PST), Luna adds emotional oomph to the planetary line-up in Pisces. With six planets in the sign of the Fish, this New Moon is an unprecedented opportunity to dive deep into your own unconscious and ask, "What's next?" If you're feeling restless, at loose ends— like something big is about to happen, but you're not sure what— then take time out to be quiet and tune in at this New Moon. What is wanted and needed in your life and the world?
"On March 9, we enter the Ninth (and final) Wave of the Mayan Calendar. According to Mayan scholar Carl Calleman, this initiates a period of unified consciousness, in which we'll have the opportunity to step into our highest role in serving the Divine Plan. At this precarious turning point, with old systems crashing down and Piscean fog swirling around us, we can either choose to go with the flow or risk succumbing to fear and confusion. Remember that crisis precedes new birth— and keep breathing!
"Adding momentum, Uranus charges into Aries on March 11, catalyzing a dynamic seven-year period that intensifies our collective freedom urge. This revolutionary cycle ushers in brilliant technological advances, breakthroughs in consciousness, increased humanitarian efforts and the rapid destruction of outdated systems— especially as Uranus squares Pluto this summer through 2012 (more on that later). Stay centered in your heart during this accelerated time, and don't let your mind spin out of control. Let this fresh, exciting Uranus/Aries energy burn away the past and carry you into the future...."