I feel,however, that I need to explain a bit.
I know, and I mean know; that these little ones came in to learn and teach certain lessons, and that they chose this. I really do understand that, and have understood it for a while. What I am protesting is that others cannot learn the lesson. I guess what I am saying is, what is it going to take for people to wake up? How many loving spirits have to chose that way to teach and learn before everyone GETS IT?
If the schoolroom of Earth uses pain and suffering to teach, I understand...hell, I signed up for it. And I've actually avoided a majority of that pain and suffering, for reasons that I'll adress later - but it was obviously planned that way. But how much pain and suffering do the residents of earth need before they wake the HELL up? I'm impatient. That's the problem. I feel as if spiritually, the mass of humans as a whole is dragging their feet and are repeating first grade fifteen times. How many times have I ranted to my family "...but it's just COMMON SENSE? Why can't (whomever) see that?" How many lifetimes of pain do you need to learn a lesson? I am protesting that my fellow loving spirits have to repeat such pain and suffering, however holographic and temporary, OVER and OVER again. Let's pick up the pace already.
I in no way, in any of what I am saying here, mean to offend or belittle or insult any of you. I'd like to make that very clear. Everyone's love and compassion for what I'm dealing with is wonderful and much, much apprecaited. This is why I come to this group, and hopefully I give back in kind when needed.
Having said that, here is what I was going to adress earlier. Let me start here. Despite my monetary problems, I am in no danger of being on the street any time soon - my main complaint is that I can't provide for my son the way I would like to, and I hate the stress of constantly having to answer to corporations; and not being able to function at a 'normal' level b/c of something always being cut off. I was born into this life knowing my own power and also knowing that everyone should be allowed an equal part of the resources. The concept of withholding such things for money was and still is irritating and foreign to my sensibilities, especially when it so obviously hurts people and keeps them from their joy. I was BORN being a thorn in the side to authority, and I still don't like it. Who is anyone to tell me that my natural insticts about ANYTHING are wrong or dangerous or silly? And what's funny is...the longer I live here, the more I realize that I was correct in my instincts,feelings and knowing all along. Sure,there have been a few lessons that I've learned about how to deal with the way things work on this life, and that's as it should be. But the point of my being here, among other things, is to show people that it is actually possible to exist this way "This way" being raised without abuse (mostly, some would say I was verbally abused,but it didn't seed itself as my self-talk, so no harm permanantly done); 'knowing' that it is possible to treat others in a truly fair and common-sense way; and to actually survive and thrive as such a person - a person who continually believes in the natural goodness of other people,and of their capeability for compassion and intelligence. And I'll be damned if anyone is going to put me off course for that. However, people keep telling me that I need to adjust to the fact that corporations will be witholding basic life necessities until they are paid for. I need to get used to it. NO. I refuse to get used to it. I refuse to think it's a good idea, that it's 'just the way it is'; that enabling this misguided selfishness and greed is something i need to just 'deal with'. And that's part of why I'm here. At least,I thought so. Same thing applies: I need to 'get used to' the idea that the pain and suffering are going to just continue on and on and on. Because it's necessary for me and for others to learn and to grow. No. I've already learned this lesson. That's why I didn't have to go through most of it again this time. I already understand, on a soul level, how that feels. And for F*&$%'s SAKE - if everyone else hasn't learned these lessons already, WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE?? (this is not directed at you, EnligtenedOne)
THAT is where I'm at. I say that I don't know why I'm here any more because I'm impatient; and I see our spiritual selves having to step up the holographic lesson-learning just to get through to the rest of us. I came here to be part of the change,and I swear I'm going to be 80 before anyone gets their collective ass in gear. Seeing the changes that are going on right now just makes me so much more ready to (move forward) that I feel as if I'm dancing in place - and my legs are getting mighty tired. And yes, it's very arrogant of me to expect people to 'learn' as quickly as I expect them to, but that is just because I *know* what they are and who they are..and they can do better. We all can.
It's funny - my husband says I have the patience of Job. Ha.
I am always grateful for what I have in my life..but sometimes it does not seem that way,because I was born already knowing that I would have these things so that I could do and be what I need to. So I guess sometimes it's hard to be humbly, grovelingly grateful for things that I think everyone should have; and it's foreign to my soul for us as soul entities to not have what we need to do our real work. And therefore irritating and angering that other entities would withold such things when this world is ready to ascend to the next level..knowing that to do so will delay that ascencion and the real work most of us were sent here to do. This comes off to others who listen to me as arrogant and plays into the Leonine part of my birth sign well. ("She thinks she's entitled!" well, yes...and so are you. But you'll never see me say that these days.)
This is also part of why I think mediation does not really work for me..for whatever reason, I'm not meant to use it as a tool to get peace or what I want. Those things are supposed to come to me in other, more 'active' ways. The Conversation With God phrase that you, EnlightenedOne, were talking about is a good one. I have several AbrahamHicks quotes posted at various places so they are in my awareness every day. Mantras do work somewhat, and just general deep breathing. But specific, time out of my day meditations do not seem to do anything for me at the moment. I think that may change with time.
I know that it's going to be ok...eventually. But I question, and I think I am in part here to question, why it has to be so very hard on the way to 'eventually'. I don't think I'm supposed to just accept that it's part of the lesson..it's been part of the lesson for thousands of years already. I believe it's time for a new lesson - one can choose other ways to learn these lessons, or earth is ready for souls who have already learned those lessons. Those souls are already here. Now it's time to wake up. Sure, I miss 'home'. But I'm here to make Earth my home. Why not? I challenge the concept that it's not possible for Earth to be more like that. And as to the idea that the lessons learned on the way to 'eventually' are needed...yes, but there is other work to be done. If I spend all my time learning at the first grade level (again); when do I move up to the second grade? and etc.
I am peaceful and revolutionary. I am angry and happy. I am patient and impatient. I am hopeful and irritated. I was not born a rebel soul to learn to not be rebellious.
Here's what I'm saying to the collective: Please, the lesson is being handed to you on a silver platter by multitudes of loving souls who are chosing the harshest lives possible to enable you to get it. So let's go, already. I know that the Great Love is unconditonal, unending, unyeilding and eternally patient, but you're abusing the privelige. Return the gift by learning the lesson and stepping up.