I have been working on rectifying Walker's chart, and your request forced me to come up with a tentative time. If anyone is interested, I would be happy to share my reasoning. It is tentative. I never know if a rectification is plausible until I see if it works in predictions.
This chart would respond to Pluto going retrograde on April 8, just before it reaches his Mars, ruler of his ascendant, in the 10th house. According to this chart, Pluto and the North Node were on his midheaven on election night. Shortly after Jupiter went into the sign of his ascendant, Aries, in late January, he began to be in the news, but especially after the prank call, when Jupiter was right on his Saturn, close to his ascendant and quincunxing his retrograde Mercury -- mistakes in communication wrought by hubris. This may be the seed of his downfall...
He has made mistakes in the past, usually involved with lying and breaking the rules, because of his impulsive, arrogant Aries ascendant and the fact that its ruler is in mutual reception with Saturn and that it aspects his Mercury in Scorpio. Having Neptune in Scorpio conjunct his Moon in the 8th house doesn't help either. Eventually it catches up with him, usually when Mars and Saturn are activated.
(Going Vedic), he has been in the final period of Mercury since August 2009. This whole time since then is ruled by Saturn for him until the 17-year Mercury period ends in April 2012. The encouraging thing is that Mars under Saturn is coming up for him in mid-May of this year. He was under a similar period in 1988 when he was denounced by the student paper at his college for unethical campaign tactics and lost the election to a write-in candidate.
There is a glamour side to his ego, although it may seem hidden. He sees himself as a warrior-reformer, as fixing things and moving on. And the catch word of 'budget' is what has become his cause since 2002, but it's not about balance, but a radical re-appropriation. This is how his Venus between Pluto and Uranus in his sixth house of fixing things plays out. Also in his draconian attitudes toward women, such as his position that abortion should be outlawed in all cases, even if the mother was raped or if her life is in jeopardy. These causes are somehow glamorous to him, as shown by Venus and Jupiter in Leo in the sixth in the Vedic chart. Jupiter is his chart ruler in the Vedic chart. There is a chink here too. Pride goeth before a fall? Pride doesn't belong in the sixth house, which is about making things work.
If this chart is correct, and that is quite an if, Pluto transiting at the mid-heaven represents both fate and the plutocratic forces responsible for his powerful role at this time. I can't help but think there will be some kind of withdrawal of that force and a reversal of fate as Pluto begins to slow down, as it is beginning to now until April 8, when it reverses direction. Thank our lucky stars it doesn't reach his ruthless Mars in Capricorn until next year, but that it will return to the fateful degree of the prank call, squaring his Saturn in the 12th house, in May.
We'll see.
Rick is right -- the best course is to keep exposing his dishonesty and dirty tactics. Push for prosecution of any laws broken as revealed in that call, and anywhere else. Some strong legal actions are indicated, although with Jupiter in his first now it will take real effort to make it stick. But he can be brought to account with that Saturn Mars thing.
And on another front, winning is in the protesters and all others in solidarity to keep meeting this powerful threat from plutocratic forces with an equal outpouring of all of this new energy and awareness and determination and courage that is emerging. It's happening! We have our own Pluto power, the power of the heart and the conviction of our own destinies.
Here is a link for the tentative chart. It's too late to fuss with figuring out how to post an image of it.
I hope this is helpful.