My sister and I were given new information over the weekend that changed our whole view on our childhood and family. I started to post this in Rick's thread, wondering if this is part of the Astrological goings on currently, but the story just got to big as I typed.
We are still trying to process everything we learned this weekend in light of how we were raised. We traveled to our hometown to get some financial documents we needed to help our mother, who recently moved to assisted living. These were in our parents’ lock box in the bank. While looking for them we found interesting things like our grandmother’s birth certificate (cool) ect…and our parents marriage license. I almost absently picked the marriage license up when I was struck by the date, January 31, 1964; we had ALWAYS been told it was 1/31/63. This meant, in effect, that I was somewhat present (in utero) for their quick wedding in Grundy, VA! I’m 46 years old, my sister and I were raised by a puritanical mother, and now we find this out, AMAZING!
This led my sister and I to accidentally put the documents we had come for back in the box. We realized this later, while eating lunch, and returned (we needed to take one of them to another bank in town, small town banking, the person that can take care of one thing is only at the main bank, but the box was at the branch). We looked at the license again, took the second copy (we thought) then went to the car. The car was absolutely dead! A three year old car. While we waited on AAA I suddenly realized we still didn’t have one of the documents we came for so my sister returned inside the bank and got it. Then we saw that we never made it out with the marriage license copy at all.
We were jump started, found the nearest auto parts store, bought a battery, and finally got our business taken care of, but we were still blown away. I told my sister at the time that I believed the battery died (was killed by someone/something, maybe Dad) to make sure we didn’t leave without all the documents we needed. The car was a 2007 Honda with damn few miles on it and not showing a sign of trouble before, even during the hideous winter we just got through.
After we returned home, I emailed my oldest friend about this whole deal, he had been literally the little neighbor boy I grew up with, and he said that yes, his family was told this information when we were kids by ANOTHER neighbor of ours (incidentally the wife of my Dad’s cousin) but he choose not to tell me because this lady was known to be a bit loopy and into her valium and he didn’t want to harm me with potentially false information, but he did tell me that they had been told that my parents hadn’t been dating long when my Mom got pregnant with me.
All the times our Mom ranted about not wanting us to have anything to do with kids whose parents were divorced, all the hating on the little girl in my 3rd grade class whose mother had never been married, all the rages over any interest we showed in boys at very age appropriate times growing up….But at least it answered the question we’ve always had “why did our super intelligent, generous, funny, easy-going Dad MARRY HER???????” Me……
This led my sister and I to conversations about what leads people to choose the family they are born into? What do we believe about that? I really believe that free will has a lot of play in these lives we lead and that makes spiritual ideas complicated for me. I don't believe the adage that nothing happens by mistake because humans make mistakes. We analyzed possible alternative outcomes, like me potentially being given up for adoption and her never being born, she currently would consider this preferable to our family situation in this life. I reminded her that I could have been raised by our Mom and Grandparents without our Dad and most likely been an early suicide or worse. We had a mess of a spiritual discussion with no conclusions but lots of ideas. I guess all any of us have are ideas. I may be at a point where I figure I needed whatever lessons I have gotten and am getting and my sister is still just angry over having a quite mentally ill Mom (she spent her whole childhood praying for our parents to divorce and Dad to take us away). We can't experience the out of sight out of mind that adulthood brought now that we are trying to help her. One can't help but wonder still what if...