Now yesterday, even though I was headache-y I had a discussion with a Scorpio(Pluto, right?) about something that was emotional for me.. They were giving me opposing views based on the viewpoint of hating control, long story, and it was really bumming me out, and I felt like my plans were a little squashed , like they were done..This was my viewpoint for a few hours...like I said before I did receive a wave that it was alright, but this morning, I knew, really knew that Pluto's ideas were most definitely not going to take me down..well, later on this morning, this big voice in my head came on the broadcasting network, and said-YOU HAVE GOT ENORMOUS POWER!
Well I certainly stopped to take it all in!
And another Scorpio, my daughter, was acting more respectful with almost an about face in behaviour. I was shocked. All this withhout reminding her!
The whole day went well.. And here's something fun.. we were out at Target,and my daughter wanted to look at electronics, and across the aisle were the toys, and for some reason I wanted to look at the dolls, afterall, it looked like they had some new stuff! She said, no Mom. I told her she didn't have to follow me. And then I picked up a hula-hoop, and she was acting all embaressed, told me to put it away. HAHAHA I didn't, until I was done...then she actually asked me if I was drunk??
And wow, I really had the sense of being in tune to the folks around us.. I heard their conversations and really picked up on the energies.. People ARE FUNNY! HAHAHA.
No, I am most definitely NOT DRUNK!
HEEEEEELLLLLO URANUS! I would like to give you a hug! :hug: :grouphug: :pals: