I could feel it in the ether. (How weird is that?)
http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=131&z=2Hmm, uh oh, that damn Illuminati is at it again:
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake. Our space family was able to thwart their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants; however, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of their technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.
2. The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll wherever they can. For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for them. There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the assistance of other countries will restore that nation.
:tinfoilhat: (And yes, I do believe the Illuminati exist. Tinfoil hat on tightly)