Edited on Wed Apr-06-11 10:03 AM by stellanoir
Mine is currently at 28 degrees.
Yup one is challenged to acclimate to the hypersensitivity of the sign at first for sure. It is an adjustment and doesn't exactly nourish one's intellectual prowess. (understatement)
I remember in the last cycle when my progressed Moon was at 29 59 I cried for the whole day and nothing was really wrong in my personal life at all. I was crying for humanity and it was all encompassing. I was supposed to be doing readings that day and kept finding myself burrowing into the shrubbery to snivel. It was sort of pathetic. Yikes.
Still in the early degrees (in the first several degrees,) the the adjustment to the vulnerability can indeed be overwhelming also.
That this vulnerability is mutually exclusive from self assertion is a total fallacy though.
Maybe you think a burbling mass of protoplasm can't morph into Mighty Mouse but kindly consider this. . .
There are plenty of performance artists and athletes who have histrionics and indulge in strange rituals before they go on stage or on the field.
Like the alchemists of old, they attune to the nothingness and go deep within themselves and draw from a place of greater clarity. It is not a linear process at all.
It's purgative and not at all static.
Your motivation for action will become much deeper through this process especially in the short term with the Aries stellium that's happening.
Beyond that, the emotional purge and seeming tsunami that sweeps away our veneer of composure can come with the Progressed Moon's passage through all of the water signs yet Pisces is different as it can seem far more amorphous and all encompassing than the others. Though they ceratinly all have their depth.
You know enough about energy work to know that you can feel the angst and pathos of others and without attuning too strongly to the suffering and getting sucked in too far. There's a peculiar thing that can happen in this process. It takes longer with some than others but when one arrives at the point of just enough empathy and insight to see the complex under which they are suffering you can do something very simple. That is, you send them unconditional love and "poof."
Then you have not only done a fantastic mitzvah but also having brought another to a better place, the unintended benefit is that one is raised up through bringing forth that energy.
I know it can be tricky to master but you can do it. Healers have to learn this very early on in their practice or they sometimes will fall ill in short order.
Sheesh last summer I was talking dumb old politics with one of my cousins who is fairly apolitical but he was concerned that he'd lost his dad to faux news. I was doing my usual rant about the bogus nature of the conservative/liberal labels and sited the many ways in which I'm conservative (environmentally, constitutionally, fiscally. etc) but then I said but I'm also such a bleeding heart liberal that if I saw a werewolf bleeding by the side of the road, I'd probably pull over and give him mouth to mouth. I was mocking myself but that's what it can be like with the progressed Moon in Pisces for sure.
Advantages to the progressed Moon in water are heightened intuition, and easier transcendence of old emotional complexes and wounds. It can be exhaustive and one can get the sense that the well is truly bottomless.
Relax and splish splash hon.
This will serve you greatly over time.