é Argüelles passed away on March 23, 2011 (2 Imix) and I would like to write a few words as a recognition of the very important contributions he made to out understanding of the Mayan calendar especially through his book The Mayan Factor: Path beyond technology. This work was published by Barbara Hand Clow at Bear and Co as part of a preparation for the Harmonic Convergence event, August 16-17, 1987. It became a great source of inspiration for myself as well as for many others and for a few years I regarded it almost as a bible to Mayan cosmology. In this book Argüelles introduced a few very radical thoughts for the first time: 1. The shifts in the Mayan calendar and especially the Long Count provides for an understanding of human history. 2. What is important in the Mayan calendar are the non-astronomical cycles of 260 and 360 days and 3. The energies of the Tzolkin provide a matrix for the evolution of the longer cycles. Although he had forerunners such as Peter Balin, Tony Shearer, and Frank Waters, Argüelles’ ideas were groundbreaking and created the necessary opening that allowed for us to realize that the Mayan calendar could be true and then also help us understand the contours of a cosmic plan. The Mayan Factor was a seminal work that at the time was way ahead of the thinking of everyone else. His successful promotion of the Harmonic Convergence event that coincided with a spiritual awakening among many, also led many to conclude that the Mayan calendar had something to say about the spiritual destiny of mankind. .. continued ..
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