for your reading pleasure. I'd bookmarked this post by NJCher from a couple of years ago. I think it's such a good read.
What Gorilla?: Why Some Can't See Psychic Phenomena"Because of these blind spots, some common aspects of human experience literally cannot be seen by those who've spent decades embedded within the Western scientific worldview. That worldview, like any set of cultural beliefs inculcated from childhood, acts like the blinders they put on skittish horses to keep them calm. Between the blinders we see with exceptional clarity, but seeing beyond the blinders is not only exceedingly difficult, after a while it's easy to forget that your vision is restricted."Got a kick out of this article
Why I Am Not Enlightened
"Okay, I think I've made my point: the reason I am not enlightened after all these years is that I value my arms and legs too much, not to mention my wife and family, and last but not least, air. (My favorite.) Now, for the opposing view..." And thought provoking
Why the Age of the Guru is Over difficulty, then, is that we are ready as never before for a guru, yet no single human being is capable of taking on that role. Whence are we to obtain that spiritual midwifery, 'someone to illuminate our blind spots, to humble our conceit, to show us the love we didn't know we had within us?' What can bring to the masses what hidden lineages and gurus once brought to a select few? To answer that question, let us follow the trajectory of spiritual teachings after the 1970s..."