If life is our garden, this is a good weekend to break new ground, plow, prepare soil, eliminate pests (organically, we hope) and rearrange beds. Next Tuesday’s New Moon in earthy Taurus is the most fertile day all year to set new seeds. The weekends under a busy, cross-pollinating Gemini Moon, time to water, guard and fertilize all those seedlings, no matter how busy we feel.
One more weekend of the jumpy irreverent enthusiasm and quick-flame tempers and circumstances of the recent super-saturated Aries qualities, and then we begin to calm down. But first we’ll need to move, shake, and experiment this weekend as the Moon joins Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus in excitable, impulse-control-challenged Aries. Even the weather is stirred up, impatient, extreme, making a storm where a simple rain would do.
With five planets all in impulse-control-challenged Aries through mid-May, the mood is brave if reactive. We have plenty of time to initiate but really have to watch what we start. Aries makes us easily inflamed; allergies may flare, fevers spike, winds howl, and temper and romance sparks. We’d be seeing more revolution in the headlines if it were easier to coordinate people into a united front.
But we also have an unusual access to courage and can face odds which might feel insurmountable under other circumstances, though we may forget until we get going. With Mercury in Aries, direct, applying to conjunct Mars and Jupiter, deep sleep and true rest may be hard to come by or maintain, as our mind can run all over the place. If we’re feeling tired or fried, which can be another by-product of all this planetary fire, we can access this courage and energy by either reacting against a problem, or just get moving.
more signposts along the way